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Monday, January 26, 2009

Change My ASS!!

I'm warning my readers now, today I'm biased as I've ever been. I'm sick and tired of what the fuck this inexperienced black man is doing to my nation.

The Perspective: Fuck Barry Obama. Yes, that's his real fucking name. To hell with this Barack bullshit. To hell with his fucking "stimulus plan". Some will ask why in the fuck the words are in quotes. It's because its not a real plan.

I've told everyone from the FUCKING START to NOT BELIEVE this man. He's NOT the change that you narrow minded fools who voted for him we're wishing for. This is a man who is changing the foundations of the American economy!!

Why don't you people see through his paper thin disguise, and see his FUCKING PUPPET STRINGS!?! The man is a voice for the most liberal minds in all of Washington, a Washington that WON'T FUCKING CHANGE.

This "stimulus plan" is meant to "quickly" simulate the American won't. According to reports released today, in 2 YEARS only 17% of the money will be spent...right on time for midterm elections. I mean, that wasn't planned or anything? Sure...

Money goes to Amtrack...funny how Biden lobbied for them..hmm connection? Of course there is.

I WARN YOU AGAIN. This man is bringing SOCIALISM into America, without telling the American people. That is BULLSHIT. Let the American people know what the fuck your doing. It's our nation ASSHOLE.

If Barry, would just come out and tell us what his real intentions were, I'd have fewer problems with it. But his is the wrong way to do it.

Come on out of the closet Barry tell, the American people what you really want to do. And then we can kick your ass out of the White House.

Barry Barack Hussein Obama...FUCK YOU.
To those that wanted the "juicy" news, I'll bring it to you tomorrow.. Sorry, I had to just spew some things today.

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