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Saturday, September 13, 2008

May God Be With Them...

As all of the Americans know by now, Hurricane Ike made landfall this morning. With twenty foot storm surges and feet, again I say feet of rain falling it doesn't look good. Unlike Gustav of early last week, this was and is a problem.

So far the estimates aren't good. As of right now, upwards of 4 million, likely more people are without power. Hundreds if not thousands of trees are down, and as of right now 10 people have been killed.

When Ike hit land, it was a Cat. 2 with 110mph sustained winds...1 mph from being a Cat 3. Gusts from the storm reached upwards of 125 mph at ground level, but 250 feet up it was estimated that the winds reached 350 mph!

People who decided to stay, were in for a rough night, and as the pictures here on the blog show, it was exactly what was expected. In the coming days, we will only being to learn what really happened, and what the true amount of damage could be.

Now..for the Federal Government. If all goes well, as it should or Bush is fucked(again) and FEMA is fucked(again). The work with Gustav was great, nearly perfect. We need an exact repeat of what FEMA did then to make this work. Lets pray to god that it does happen. We know that the people of southeastern Texas needs all the help that they can get.
The Perspective: Well, well. It seems that FEMA has gotten its real storm to check out the 'improvements' that they've done since Katrina. We all know the National Guard will be absolutely perfect as they always are.(HOOAH!!)

Now, all I can say is that this storm was bad, really bad. While as of now I don't believe that it will be as bad as Katrina for one reason. 1.There were no levies that could break and literally let the ocean in. But it is still bad, very bad.

There will be millions if not billions of dollars in damage, from the water, wind and just classic mother nature. As of now all we can do is pray. May God be with everyone. The ones that left and especially the ones that stuck through it.

Please do everything you can. Volunteer at your local Red Cross chapter to help. Give money, help your fellow Americans and you fellow man. I know I will.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Bin Laden Seeks, nuclear 9/11

No real Perspective here..just some info.

Washington, D.C., September 11, 2008) -- During his military tribunal at Gitmo, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM)-- al Qaeda's chief of external operations until he was captured in Pakistan -- admitted that he was not only responsible for the 9/11 attacks. He also the mastermind of "second wave" attacks and other mega-attacks in the United States, Israel and around the globe.

In a written statement given to interrogators, KSM went on to confess no fewer than thirty-one separate terrorist attacks. Some had already been carried out. Others were foiled by U.S. and foreign security forces, or by the fact that KSM had been arrested. Each provided a sobering insight into what Osama bin Laden and his al Qaeda network really want.

1. I was responsible for the 1993 World Trade Center Operation.

2. I was responsible for the 9/11 Operation, from A to Z.

3. I decapitated with my blessed right hand the head of the American Jews, Daniel Pearl….

4. I was responsible for the Shoe Bomber Operation to down two American airplanes.

5. I was responsible for the Filka Island Operation in Kuwait that killed two American soldiers.

6. I was responsible for the bombing of a nightclub in Bali, Indonesia, which was frequented by British and Australian nationals.

7. I was responsible for planning, training, surveying, and financing the New (or Second) Wave attacks against the following skyscrapers after 9/11:

a. Library Tower, California

b. Sears Tower, Chicago

c. Plaza Bank, Washington State

d. The Empire State Building, New York City

8. I was responsible for planning, financing & follow-up Operations to destroy American military vessels and oil tankers in the Straights of Hormuz, the Straights of Gibraltar, and the Port of Singapore.

9. I was responsible for the planning, training, surveying, and financing for the Operation to bomb and destroy the Panama Canal.

10. I was responsible for the planning, training, surveying, and financing for the assassination of several former American Presidents, including President Carter.

The Ultimate Objective

As horrifying as these operations were, however, they pale in comparison to what al Qaeda has been praying and planning for a decade at least: acquiring weapons of mass destruction - ideally nuclear weapons - to be used against the United States to kill between four and ten million Americans.

Asked in 1998, for example, if al-Qaeda had nuclear or chemical weapons, bin Laden told Time magazine that "acquiring weapons for the defense of Muslims is a religious duty. If I have indeed acquired these weapons, than I thank God for enabling me to do so." The timing of that statement was significant, for 1998 was the year that Pakistan tested nuclear weapons.

Since then, many more disturbing details have emerged about bin Laden's feverish hunt for WMD and his deep-rooted belief that Allah has commanded him to use them to kill Christians and Jews. In the summer of 2002, Suleiman Abu Ghaith, a Kuwaiti-born spokesman for al Qaeda posted the following statement on the internet: "Al-Qa'ida has the right to kill four million Americans, including one million children, displace double that figure, and injure and cripple hundreds of thousands."

In May 2003, al-Qaeda unveiled a fatwa or religious ruling from a leading Saudi cleric that sanctioned the use of nuclear weapons against the U.S. and permitted the killing of up to ten million Americans.

"By some estimates, there is enough highly enriched uranium in global stockpiles to construct thousands of nuclear weapons, and it is safe to assume that there are many individuals who would not think twice about using such weapons." FBI Director Robert Muller told a conference on nuclear terrorism in 2007. "The economics of supply and demand dictate that someone, somewhere, will provide nuclear material to the highest bidder, and that material will end up in the hands of terrorists. Al Qaeda has demonstrated a clear intent to acquire weapons of mass destruction. In 1993, Osama bin Laden attempted to buy uranium from a source in the Sudan. He has stated that it is Al Qaeda's duty to acquire weapons of mass destruction. And he has made repeated recruiting pitches for experts in chemistry, physics, and explosives to join his terrorist movement."

Former CIA Director George Tenet was skeptical, at first, about how seriously to take bin Laden's WMD threats. But over time, he became a believer. He is now absolutely convinced that bin Laden's top priority is to acquire nuclear weapons and detonate them inside the United States.

"Of all al-Qa'ida's efforts to obtain other forms of WMD, the main threat is the nuclear one," Tenet stressed. "I am convinced that this is where [bin Laden] and his operatives desperately want to go. They understand that bombings by cars, trucks, trains, and planes will get them some headlines, to be sure. But if they manage to set off a mushroom cloud, they will make history. Such an event would place al-Qa'ida on a par with the superpowers and make good on Bin Ladin's threat to destroy our economy and bring death into every American household. Even in the darkest days of the cold war, we could count on the fact that the Soviets, just like us, wanted to live. Not so with the terrorists. Al-Qaida boasts that while we fear death, they embrace it."

Never forget the evil done to us seven years ago today. Never get fogged about the evil that will be done to us if we get distracted and confused.

September 11th, 7 year anniversary

Today, is a special day if your an American. Today, seven years ago the United States was attacked by terrorists. We all know the story. Due to this, today's blog will be low key.

7 years ago, we were attacked. This is a day that will forever be important to all Americans, and to the entire world. All the men and women who lost their lives, the men and women who run into danger when we all run away. Men and women, brothers and sisters, firefighters and police officers, the brave heroes of United Airlines Flight 93.

Thank You.

May God Bless Your Families, and May God Bless America.

World Trade Center: 2,751
Pentagon: 184
United Airlines Flight 93: 44
Total: 2,979 this video.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A Whole Bunch of Random Shit...and Russia

O.k. guys today is just a whole bunch of random shit, starting off with a Liberal Media fuck up...good ol' CNN.

CNN Uses Fake Sarah Palin Picture; Never Mentions Its A Fake

Well the image you see posted here on the blog is the image I'm talking about. It seems to me that the Liberals are just completely out of ways to attack Mrs. Palin. And to me this is going to fucking far.

To photoshop an image to make it seem that she is truly just a gun toting Redneck, its fuckin' bullshit. If I worked for any Conservative media, I'd photshop a picture of Mr. Obama and make him look like fuckin' Osama bin Laden. While to some it may see like that is going to far, its not. All that they've done since Mrs. Palin has entered this campaign is attack her with sexist ads and now a sexist, fake picture. Again...fuck Liberals.

McCain Palin 08!!

North Korea Denies That Kim Jong Ill Is Ill calls them 'Conspiracies'

Well, well. When 'The Little Leader' doesn't show up at his countries 60th anniversary you know something is wrong. Mr. Jong Ill has is a known diabetic and has had health problems earlier in his life, but dead? Come on. To me its hard to see one of the worlds worst leaders to be killed by 'natural causes'.

Sure he might be ill, and that might stop him from showing up at the 'big party' but its nothing, at least I think that its nothing to really worry about. With the modern medical science that we have even if he is ill, he'll be o.k.

But...I don't think that Mr. Jong Ill is, is ill at all hes at the Pyongyang nuclear reactor that was recently decommissioned. Why? Its simple really. Recent reports say that the North Koreans were in the process of rebuilding and putting the facility back online. Who else would Mr. Jong Ill trust to watch the process than himself? No one. The facility is much to important to have just anybody random fucker take care of it.

Lets just hope that this government (US government) says up to its end of the deal and removes North Korea from the 'Axis Of Evil' or the facility will reopen and we'll have a whole other fuckin' mess on our hands...lets go Bush.

Russian Bombers Land In Venezuela

To give you a little update on the current situation that we have with the new 'Czar'
of Russia and his plans for Mother Russia.

Today two Russian bombers landed in Venezuela to start the 'military training exercises' over neutral waters in the Atlantic. Hugo Chavez has now praised the arrival of the Russian bombers and mentioned that if Russian long range bombers ever needed to land in Venezuela that he'd be o.k. with it.

Problem: If the bombers did land in Venezuela the planes of the long range variety could reach the United States. That could be a problem...especially in the future. While the Russians say that the exercises have nothing to do with the Georgian conflict, I can't believe that.(Read Epicenter 2.0 and you'll know what I mean)

Lets just hope that the Russians and Venezuelans have their fun and get the fuck out of the western world...especially Russia.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Al Qaeda chief in Pakistan killed

Well it seems that the Pakistani army has done something right this time. Due to a joint Pakistan, United States missile attack in northwestern Pakistan, that struck an Al Qaeda leaders camp the newest Al Qaeda Pakistan lead was killed. Abu Haris was killed, and is another huge blow to Al Qaeda( Fuckin' A) and more proof that the United States in succeeding in this 'Global War On Terror'.

While the United States has had many breakthroughs during this 'War On Terror' especially since we have set "The Surge" in Iraq. This is even a more important operation for the Pakistani Army. Why? Its simple.

The Pakistani government has been criticized by the United States government for this lack of ability to stop, destory and control the terrorist threat in the, and northwest regions of their nation. All I can say to the Pakistanis is that this is a move in the right direction. Thanks, guys and keep up the good work. That goes for the flyboys and all the boys who helped in this operation. Great job guys, HOOAH!!
Time for a little more info on the attack. According to a pentagon officialI spoke to a total of three other Al Qaeda members were killed.
Abdullah, a Saudi; Abu Hamza, another Saudi and Zain Ul Abu Qasim, an Egyptian.

The strike apparently targeted Jalaluddin Haqqani, a key Taliban commander who has played a major role in the fight against U.S. forces in Afghanistan. While the main target was missed, the death of Abu Haris is still very important. According to Pentagon sources that I've spoken to have told me that Haqqani was in Afghanistan when the missiles hit and was not hurt, his son said.

The same Pentagon official told me and confirmed an explosion on Monday morning in North Waziristan, a region near the Afghan border that is rife with Islamic extremists details.

Four missiles were fired on a madrasa, or religious school, near the city of Miran Shah, sources said, killing three and wounding 12.
I was not told where the missiles were fired from but was told that two predator aircraft fired missiles at Haqqani's compound.

Haqqani was among the mujahadeen fighters who received U.S. help to fight Soviet forces in Afghanistan in the 1980s. He more recently has played a major role in fighting U.S. troops in Afghanistan.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Russias at it again...

Well it seems that Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin just doesn't learn. Today I learned that the Russian Navy plans to help, you guessed it another of Americas 'Axis Of Evil' this time Venezuela. While Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Andrei Nesterenko says that the activities were planned prior to the conflict with Georgia, although sources say that Russia offered the naval activities, not Hugo Chavez.

On a separate note, the United States has crushed and given up on a nuclear technology deal with Russia in response to the Georgian conflict. The agreement called the 123 Agreement was meant to help with nuclear
non-proliferation on a worldwide scale.

The Redneck's Perspective: Now for the first time, as I'll try to do with all my posts I'll tell you a bit of news and then tell you my Perspective.

For this its really simple. Russia needs to straighten up its act and enter the 21st century. This is a day and age where you can't just go invade a country because it tries to do something that you don't like. You need real reasons to do things like that. When you have organizations like the UN (United Nations) the G8 and G5 all of which Russia is part of. Do you risk you position in the G8 (it has been an idea to remove Russia from it due to the Georgian issues) and still take worldwide criticism and scrutiny from the world powers over a nation trying to enter NATO? If you want to let your nation prosper and keep its place in the world then you don't do things like this. And...Putin himself and what he's doing with Iran and Syria is an another issue entirely. If you want to talk about Iran and get more in depth about Russia email me at
And on another note, Tom Brady is out for the entire NFL season. He will have season ending knee surgery later this week. To bad, Brady is one of the best QBs ever, up there with Favre, Marino, Manning and Montana. Well all I can say is that I hope all goes well and that he'll be back next year.


Sunday, September 7, 2008

Same Favre, different team

Well it seems that Brett Favre is the same old Favre. Today in his first game not in a Packer's uniform in 16 years he went 15-22 completing passes to seven different receivers, for a total of 194 yards and 2 touchdowns. Not to bad when according to Farve himself he only knows 75% of the Jets playbook. To me all this means is that everyone else better watch out for the Jets this year. When you combine all the free agent moves that they did in the offseason, not to mention trading for #4. It seems that the front office did great things, for the team and most importantly the fans. Oh yeah, by the way the Jets won 20-14 against the Dolphins.
And to get on the subject of Favre's old team the Packers. Everyone be sure to watch them go up against the Vikings tomorrow night on ESPN. Being a Packers fan, I hope and pray to God they win...and that Rodgers stays healthy. If not...the pack is fucked.

Welcome To The Perspective!

I would just like to start off by saying, thanks for coming to The Perspective. What you get here is an unbiased look at the world and everything that involves it. If your a person who can't stand public media, who filters what we see and read and just want news the way it should be then you chose the right place. I'll tell you how it is and I won't hold a damn thing back in doing so. So again welcome, and I hope you enjoy The Perspective and will come back.