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Friday, October 17, 2008

Joe "The Plumber"

No news today, just wanted to say a few words about my fellow Ohioan.
The Perspective: So, we all watched the third and final debate right? Who do you think won? Was it Johnny McCain or Barack Obama? Neither of the politicians won the was an Ohioan.

Joe "The Plumber"

When the whole debate is about you and your name is mentioned nearly 20 times you know you hit a nerve with both the candidates. So whats his back story? Its pretty simple...

Joe is an average American who just wants to own the business he has worked 12 hours a day, 6 days and week for over 12 years. So he asked Mr. Obama...will you raising taxes on small business kill my dream of owning my business?

Mr.Obama was struck dead...flat, speechless. He finally answered the question with his "I'll give 95% of Americans a tax cut who make less than 250,000 a year." Rhetoric.

So who is is my buddy Joe voting for? He won't say but if you look at his question I'd say hes leaning toward Johnny McCain.(my opinion)

But the best thing...Joe isn't a PLUMBER!! Hes a plumber in training...haha right?

But in all seriousness Joe is an example of why its so hard to choose a person to vote for this election. If you look at records...Obama will raise taxes McCain won't. But then he says that he'll lower taxes...what is the truth. Thats all Joe wanted to know.

That what ALL of us want to know. I'm tired of the bullshit that is said on the campaign trail. We need to just sit down and tell the truth...I mean come the fuck on guys.

So what do you think about Joe "The Plumber"?

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