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Sunday, October 12, 2008

Pentagon Official: More Than 100 Insurgents Killed In Combat Against NATO Forces

According to a Pentagon official I spoke to, today in Southern Afghanistan near Lashkar Gah the capital of the Helmand Province more than 100 Taliban Insurgents were killed in the area.

These Taliban forces were killed in two separate attacks in the area. The NATO forces that are tasked with defending the area of Lashkar Gah are from England. According to the official I spoke to in the first clash 61 militants were recovered and it is estimated that near 20 other militants were taken out of the area by the Taliban.

In another clash later in the day 43 more bodies were recovered again in the Lashkar Gah area, this time farther out in the outskirts of the city.
In this second battle in Helmand province, Afghan and international troops retook the Nad Ali district center — which had been held by militants — during a three-day fight. That battle, which also involved airstrikes, ended Saturday.

I was told that no Afghan Police/Military, or NATO members were killed or injured in the fight.

Lashkar Gah is of key importance because
Helmand province is the largest drug producing area in the world and the region alone accounts for more than half of Afghanistan's production of opium poppies. More than 90 percent of the world's opium is produced in Afghanistan and up to $100 million of the trade's profits are used to finance the Taliban insurgency.

According to the AP more than 4,700 people, who are mostly militants have died in the area this year.
The Perspective: Alright, lets admit it. Iraq is mostly secure and its due to The Surge as we talked about a few days ago. I know what Afghanistan can be like. An idea like The Surge won't work in the mountainous regions of Afghanistan. So what will? Keep reading.

To achieve success in Afghanistan we need to send more troops in the area.(thats a no brainer) but we can't send the amount of troops we have in Iraq over to Afghanistan. The type of combat in Afghanistan is a complete 360.
In Iraq you have suicide bombers and mostly unconventional warfare. In Afghanistan you have unconventional warfare, but mostly you have conventional warfare in the mountains.

The men fighting against us and our allies are trained soldiers and warriors of the Taliban. Not randomly recruited bombers that are used in Iraq.

We must send in forces such as the Rangers and Special Forces to up root the Taliban forces in Afghanistan and not to mention sending forces into Pakistan is a must. Without removing the terror training camps in Pakistan, success in Afghanistan will never happen.

Lets hope that the next president can do the right thing, and allow us to succeed in both Iraq and Afghanistan.

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