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Thursday, January 22, 2009

Justice...ha not in this administration

The Perspective: President Barack Obama began overhauling U.S. treatment of terror suspects Thursday, signing orders to close the Guantanamo Bay detention center, shut down secret overseas CIA prisons, review military war crimes trials and ban the harshest interrogation methods.

This is a complete misjudgement on the part of our new inexperienced President Barack Obama. Yesterday I agreed with two of the executive orders that President Obama signed. One, was freezing pay raises for anyone in his administration who currently makes over $100,000 USD. Two, he made accepting gifts or money from special interests and lobbyists illegal. This will help limit corruption in The White House.

But today is a different story. He signed an executive order beginning the closure of Guantanamo Bay detention center.

In case you don't know what Gitmo is, it's where we keep all of the world most dangerous terrorists that we've caught. Currently we have at least 250 people staying in Gitmo. The what to do with these "people"(if you call them that, I don't)

We already know that their home nations don't want them, because they are terrorists. The majority of our state Governors don't want them in their states. This is because they don't want the threat of terrorism in their states.(makes sense if you ask me)

So what to do? Use money, that America doesn't have to build a new Gitmo type prison center to contain these men? Send them off to somewhere no one will find them? Kill them?(its an option yes) To me, none of these things are the answer. There is only one answer.

Keep it open.

Don't close one of the most secure locations in the world. These are the type of places you send madmen, who want to kill, rape and destroy the American and Western way of life. These are not people...these are terrorists. Terrorists who attacked America and attacked our allies. These men...need to die. To rot in prison, sure. To send them to death, sure why. Not. Eye for an eye I say.

I mean hell if we capture Usama bin Laden what do we do with him...

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