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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Mr. Panetta...

The Perspective: Presidential Elect Barack Obama is going to appoint Mr. Leon Panetta as the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency(CIA). This is Mr. Obama's first big mistake.

Mr. Panetta has ZERO experience in the field of Intelligence. When your nation is involved in 2 wars(that the public knows about) and with the ever rising tensions in the Middle East with Iran, Israel and Russia returing to its bullying ways. We need a man who knows what the fuck he's doing.

This is not that man. This is a man who should be placed somewhere in the White House Office and work directly for Mr. Obama, not as the Director of the CIA.

The man that he should choose is someone inside the United States Military. I'd personally choose Former CENTCOM and SOCOM Head General Tommy Franks.

He is a man who knows what the fuck in going on in the world and a man who can return the United States Intelligence Community back to prosperity.

For once, I hope the Senate does not confirm this choice...make Barack choose again.

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