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Monday, January 5, 2009

Okay Folks...

Alright, so lets just start off today with me saying that I'm back and I should be back for good. I will likely update this blog everyday round 4pm eastern everyday except on Sundays. So lets just get down to business.
The Perspective: I'm going to do something a little different today. Usually I'd start off by giving you some news and then giving you my Perspective on it, but today its all me.

The topic of course is: Israel.

As we all know by now Israel began attacking Gaza ten days ago. This all began with Hamas(a known terrorist organization that has been in charge of Gaza since June) broke a cease-fire that had been in affect for the past 6 months.

So, what did Israel do? They attacked. First by simply using airstrikes to attack key targets of interest in an attempt to limit the amount of rockets being fired into their nation. That didn't work. So the Israelis decided to send troops into Gaza in what is expected to be a long campaign against Hamas.

While the United States and the EU in cooperation with the United Nations are trying to create a new cease-fire agreement the most recent draft was turned down by the United States because it didn't force Hamas to stop the rocket attacks into Israel.(that was kinda a no brainer in my opinion)

So, we continue to wait and see what happens. Over the past ten days over 500 have been killed, and 3,000 injured. At this time my DoD contacts say that only 1 IDF soldier has been killed. While the numbers on the Hamas militants killed is roughly a dozen(12-15) the exact number at this time is unknown.

One thing is certain in all of this, this time Israel is not backing down. The IDF has learned their lesson from 2006's confrontation against Hezbollah. They no longer feel that they can't be beat. They know that the way the Iranian trained and Russian, Syrian and Iranian funded fight and how to beat them.

The IDF is currently planning an assault into Gaza city; population 500,000. Again according to my DoD contacts the city is home to roughly 15,000-20,000 Hamas fighters. The current Israeli numbers in the are are around 5,000-7,000. When they make the assault in the next 48-72 hours, the numbers are expected to be near the total of 10,000 wanted IDF forces.

The fight itself will be long and hard. If you want constant updates on the situation just send me an e-mail at and I'll add you to my list.

Thanks guys, and girls. I hope you enjoy the read. And as always....enjoy The Perspective.

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