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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Iranian Weapons of Mass Destruction...stolen?

As Somali pirates brazenly maintain their standoff with American warships off the coast of Africa, the cargo aboard one Iranian ship they commandeered is raising concerns that it may contain materials that can be used for chemical or biological weapons.
The Perspective:

Crazy right? Not so much. If you've paid attention to the small print during the international news channels like CNN and FOX news you'd know that ships were being hijacked by pirates on the African coast.

First it was a Russian military cargo ship carrying conventional weapons that were headed to Syria. These weapons ranged from APC's to AK-47s and AK-101s. But no type of chemical or biological weapons.

They ransacked the ship and searched the containers. But in the days following the hijacking, a number of them fell ill and died, suffering skin burns and hair loss, according to reports.

The pirates were sickened because of their contact with the seized cargo, according to Hassan Osman, the Somali minister of Minerals and Oil, who met with the pirates to facilitate negotiations.

"That ship is unusual," Osman told the Long War Journal, an online news source that covers the War on Terror. "It is not carrying a normal shipment."

The pirates reportedly were in talks to sell the ship back to Iran, but the deal fell through when the pirates were poisoned by the cargo, according to Andrew Mwangura, director of the Kenya-based East African Seafarers' Assistance Program.

"Yes, some of them have died," he told the Long War Journal. "Our sources say [the ship] contains chemicals, dangerous chemicals.

So what in the fuck have the Iranian people got on this damn ship? Well if you know anything about chemicals it could be any number of things. But remember this is Iran...

Keep an eye out. Read some news...check on Iran. You never know what the hell they might do.

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