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Saturday, October 4, 2008

Mr. Simpson goes to Prison!!

News: 61 year old, former NFL Idol and Hall Of Famer O.J. Simpson has been found guilty of all 12 charges against him in the Robbery and Kidnapping case.

The oddest thing? It verdict was handed to the judge, exactly 13 years after he was found not guilty in the murder trial of his ex-wife. In this trial, one of the most famous trials in American history the now classic "If the glove doesn't fit, you must acquit." quote by O.J.'s lawyer seemed to change the juries mind when it came to if he had killed his now ex-wife or not.

Not so lucky this time.

When the verdict is handed out and the amount of time O.J. could spend in prison is decided on December 5th, it could end up that O.J. would spend life in prison. Until then...we just wait.
The Perspective: Haha. It took long enough. To me this just goes to further prove that crime does and people get whats coming to them.

I think that 13 years ago, O.J. did kill his now ex-wife. To many things point that he did do it.(that book, "If I Did It" I mean come on...) As mentioned above he had the BEST lawyer that money can be...but to bad he wasn't there to save him this time.

All I can say deserve it you murdering bastard. Enjoy prison I hope you rot.
News/Perspective: Israel Accuses North Korea For Selling Weapons On The Black Market

Israel today at the IAEA meeting in Vienna, Austria during the 145 nation talks accused North Korea of selling small conventional weapons and nuclear secrets to at least six(6) middle eastern nations.

To Israel it believes that this could cause huge setbacks in the six party talks on agreements to give North Korea aid in return that they stop creating and now rebuilding their nuclear reactors.
In Vienna Russia(wow) China, Japan and of course South Korea and the United States urged North Korea to hold true to its word and stop rebuilding the reactors.

While Israel never mentioned the names of the six or so nations that North Korea sold weapons and secrets to it seemed that they were talking about Iran and Syria.
The Perspective: This is news? I don't think so. Of course Kim Jong Ill would sell weapons to middle eastern nations. Why wouldn't he? Remember he hates America.

Nuclear secrets? Possible, but I'd say that, that might be a bit much on the side of Israel. Although, they do have the best intelligence organization in the world.(sorry boys and girls its not the CIA or NSA)

And in closing..who are those 6 or so nations?


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