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Thursday, October 30, 2008

23% Of Texans Believes Obama Is Muslim

From FOX

A new poll finds that 23 percent of registered voters in Texas believe that Barack Obama is a Muslim, even though the Democratic candidate has repeatedly explained that he is a church-going Christian.

The poll, conducted by the Texas Politics Project and Department of Government at The University of Texas in Austin, showed Obama trailing John McCain by 11 points in the Lone Star State.

Forty-five percent of those polled accurately described Obama as a Protestant. But the 23 percent who identified his religion as Islam is about twice as high as in typical national polls.

Throughout his presidential campaign, Obama has been fighting false rumors, largely hatched on the Internet, that he is secretly a Muslim.

On Obama's Fight the Smears Web site, which his campaign set up to battle harmful claims, it says that Obama is a "committed Christian" who regularly attends church with his family.

The Texas poll interviewed 550 registered voters in Texas from Oct. 15-22, and had a margin of error of 4.2 percent.

The Perspective: O.K. I know that they say "Don't mess with Texas." But I have to, because this is just going to far and giving us 'Rednecks' a bad name.

Even though I support Johnny McCain, I don't think Barack Obama is a bad guy. Hes, just well lets say 'out of touch' with what needs to be done in this country and what can be done in this country. But anyway, back to the poll.

23!!% Are you kidding me? This is just fucking crazy. He has and will continue to say that he is a Christian. Because thats WHAT HE IS!! Sure, its the same old, well you Rednecks are stupid. Bullshit.

Don't blame the Rednecks. Blame the hicks who live in Bumfuck, somewhere. Texas in this case, who don't leave their homes unless they're hunting or apparently voting.

So tell me? Did you know that Obama was a Christian?(I hope so, if not I'm a failure) Or were you one of the guys who, are just narrow minded? Either way...NOW YOU KNOW.

Vote November 4th!!

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