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Monday, October 27, 2008

Abu Ghadiyain Killed In U.S SOCOM Strike In Syria

From FOX News:

Killed in Sunday's attack by Special Operations Forces was Abu Ghadiyain, Al Qaeda's senior coordinator operating in Syria who was closely associated with the leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq.

The assault, which took place about 4-5 miles inside Syria, came just days after the commander of U.S. forces in western Iraq said American troops were redoubling efforts to secure the border, which he called an "uncontrolled" gateway for fighters entering Iraq.

Ninety percent of foreign fighters enter Iraq through Syria, according to U.S. intelligence estimates, bringing cash to Al Qaeda in Iraq's chief. They also are deadly — trained in bomb-making and willing to sacrifice themselves in suicide attacks.

A senior U.S. military intelligence official said that in July only about 20 foreign fighters were entering the country each month, down 50 percent from six months earlier, and just a fifth of the estimated 100 foreign fighters who were infiltrating Iraq a year ago.

Eight people in total were killed in the raid, which Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem called an act of "criminal and terrorist aggression."

During their funerals, angry residents shouted anti-American slogans and carried banners reading: "Down with Bush and the American enemy."

Russia's Foreign Ministry also criticized the attack, warning that it will escalate tensions in the region.

FOX News' Jennifer Griffin, Catherine Herridge, Kelly Wright, Anne McGinn and The Associated Press contributed to this report.


The Perspective: Now if any of my readers ever questioned why I talk down about Syria so much, here is some proof. We all know that in recent weeks the U.S. military has been targeting numerous key members of Al Qaeda.

Ghadiyain is just another example of why we need to go into place like Pakistan(who has stepped up their counter-terror activity) and Syria. The news story mentions intelligence such as the number of fighters that enter Iraq from Syria and what percent of fighters come from Syria. The numbers are astonishing.

When you consider the history of Syria and its actions in helping nations such as Saddam's Iraq, Lebanon, and housing terrorists from Al Qaeda and Hezbollah. Something needs to be done.

This 'something' is exactly what we did this weekend in Syria. Send in SOCOM troops and hit them hard and fast. From the people that I've spoken to inside the Pentagon, the SOCOM unit that attacked Syria is from the 1st SFOD-D.(Figure it out yourself, I can't tell you anything more than that)

And yes, Russia got a piece of the action too. I love that whenever a known supporter of terrorism is attacked by the United States that Russia stands behind the terror supporter(in this case Syria) and not the United States. Will it escalate tensions in the region. will help being stability to the region, but more still needs to be done.
And on a separate note, Jennifer Hudson's mother and brother were killed this weekend, and her nephew was kidnapped. Reports surfaced today saying that the SUV that was stolen has been found with a black males body inside the SUV. Lets pray that its not her nephew.

May God be with the Hudson family.

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