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Saturday, October 11, 2008

The United States Removes North Korea From Terror List

Today is a huge day if your a citizen of North Korea. Confirmed by multiple State Department officials today Secretary Of State Condolezza Rice signed a paper removing the North Korean, communist state from the terror watch list.

This comes after years of conflict with the Northern half of the Korea. While they had agreed to an agreement months earlier to be removed, they weren't. In response to this they began rebuilding their reactor...well that seemed to get the American government moving. Not to mention reacent missile tests, and the placement of the SCUD-B missiles on the eastern half of the nation.

This created fear, and worry in Washington. While forcing the State Department and the White House to take action.

So with today's action by the State Department...we have one less 'evil' nation to worry about.
The Perspective: Well, well. I guess that if your Kim Jong Ill today is a good day for you. The little man has finally gotten his head on straight and done the right thing. Even though it did take a stroke for him to do it.

Lets just thank God and the great people who allowed this to happen. While it took many years and many(to many really) arguments to get done, lets just be happy that it happened.

You'd think I'd have more to say, well I do.

Sure I'm glad their off the list. But I still don't trust them. When Israel says you sell weapons to terrorists, you DO sell weapons to terrorists.

I have never and will never trust the North Koreans.

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