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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Slow news day...

The Perspective: Its a slow news day so I'll just talk about a few things that seem to be bothering everyone...everywhere.

First off lets talk about this election. To my readers, the ones who live in the United States tell me have you made your decision on who your voting for?(I'd like to know e-mail me at with your answer) Or are you one of the now 9% who are still undecided?

For me, as most of you know I support McCain. But I don't go without any issues. I don't think either of the candidates deserve to be President. They both stink, it'll just be the same shit we've had for the last 8 years because of Congress.(but lets not get into that today)

We've got 12 more days of this useless shit to listen to and then its over.(I know I'm kidding myself it'll never be over) Does it matter who wins...not really. Do I care who wins? Of course I do. And its all for the right reasons.

They say this is the most important election in our isn't. Its just blown out of proportion because an African-American might win. In America, and most of the modern western world thats unheard of.

Will Obama or McCain do what they say? Maybe, but its highly unlikely. They just don't have the 'fuck government I work for the people and no one else' mentality that Reagan had that made him so fucking good.

So come the next 12 days, hunker down and just watch out for the exit polls...God knows that'll be the most dangerous thing flying around November 4th.

Second: The Economy
How many of my readers have been laid off due to this Recession were in?(There I said it happy?) What have you had to cut back on to get by? And what do you think is the right thing to do, to make this economy work?(e-mail me, I'd like to hear your thoughts on the subject.

Me? Hell. All is good here so far. Certain things in the markets are worrying me, but right I now I'm o.k.

But lets just say, this isn't the worse part of it. The worst is yet to come. But things will get better as Alan Greenspan said today. Just hang in there. America and the world will get through this.

The bailout plan, is not the answer. Use that 700 billion to create jobs. Fuck buying out banks, and companies. That is not democracy. Thats socialism. That is bordering on communism. And no one wants that now do we?

We needed to do what FDR did. Create something similar to his new deal package that allowed to government to create jobs and lower the unemployment rate. We need to extend unemployment benefits and stop taxing them. The people on unemployment need every cent that they can get.

Let the banks fail. Its their own fault. Third we need to repeal the bill Congress(pattern huh?) passed in the 70's that forced banks to give loans to 'risky people' so they could have home. This is what caused this crazy fucking mess we're in now. So what you can't own a house.

Lifes' A Bitch. Get the fuck over in an apartment or townhouse. Hell buy a Condo.

And one final thing...stop living off the government. Get off your lazy asses and get job.

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