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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Small Tidbit on Israel and Russia today

From Interfax News Agency with a few parts added by me.

"Libya may agree to buy more than $2 billion worth of Russian weapons during a visit by Muammar Gaddafi to Moscow this month, Interfax news agency reported on Monday." The Israeli media immediately picked up on the reports. Given Libya's historic enmiity towards Israel, there is a very real concern that should Libya receive billions of dollars of advanced new weaponry from Moscow, those arms could eventually be turned against the Jewish State. There are also prophetic implications. The "War of Gog and Magog" described in Ezekiel 38-39 involves a military alliance between Russia, Iran, Libya and a group of other Middle Eastern countries that surround and seek to destroy Israel in "the last days" after Israel has been reborn as a country and Jews have returned en masse to the Holy Land. A development worth watching closely.
The Perspective: As most of my readers know, I'm s strong supporter of Israel. I've sent care packages to Israel through the Joshua Fund and have planned to do their over this coming summer. Theses types of news reports mean a lot to me and in my opinion should be a lot to you. No matter what your religion is.

If you've read my earlier posts, you know about The "War Of Gog and Magog" and what I believe.(its under the September 21-28 archive) I recommend that you read that first before finishing reading this.

So, Russia has already allied themselves with Iran, Lebanon, Syria and Venezuela. So lets factor in Libya. Another middle eastern nation who historically has hated Israel. They have numerous times talked about attacking Israel.(no where near as threating as Iran though)

We must then factor in this possible arms deal that both Syria and Lebanon have already agreed to and accepted the firearms(mostly AK-101's but it also includes RPK's and RPG's of many types new and old) and war machines(APC's, Tanks) that Russia is offering. This would allow Russia to begin massing a large military force to use against Israel.

We can't let this happen. As a Christian and as a supporter of Israel. Being a United States Citizen, we need to make our government take action against mostly Syria, Lebanon and of course Iran. We can't let them get the nuclear weapon.

Using our own Nuclear weapons is and must stay on a worse case basis. Sadly this may be that worse case. Iran is a very dangerous nation....if they got their hands on a nuclear or chemical weapon the actions of Iran could be earth shattering.

We must protect Israel. Join the Joshua Fund today at

Thank You.

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