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Monday, January 12, 2009

Cease Fire? Not if you talk to folks I know...

The Perspective: The world wants a cease-fire in the current war in Gaza. While its seems that both nations Gaza and Israel seem to want to avoid this, everybody else wants them to stop.

While Egypt says that talks with Hamas are 'positive' don't believe it. While the U.N. says that they have a plan is working order...don't believe that either. Don't believe anything that France, Germany or even England says...that kinda stuff isn't going to happen.

A cease-fire agreement is not the answer to this situation that Israel wants...

Just yesterday Israel asked the United States for help in attacking Iran this month.(think before January 20th if your looking for a date) We said no. Does it matter? Not really...

Just look at what Israel did to Hamas. No approval, they went in and are still kicking ass. Don't expect it to stop either. From the beginning they said that they wanted to "remove Hamas from power" and that ladies and gentlemen is what they are going to do.

If you want, go ahead believe what the talking heads on T.V tell you. Listen to the Prime Minister of Israel. They'll play it off and let the world know only what they want you the people to know. So here I go....I'm going to tell you what they won't. goes.

According to a few reliable sources that I've spoken to Israel is planning something big...really big. Hamas, will cease to exist as a organization and only remain as an idea. The Gaza strip will shrink in size again...

Within the month(again think before the 20th of January 2009) Israel will attack Iran. Iran's nuclear reactors will be wiped from the map. Israel will break through the no fly zone over Iraq...America won't blink an eye. Iran will respond...with attacks upon Iraq and the American Forces in the Region.

This is the test that Vice-President Elect Joe Biden spoke of. Barack Obama will be tested...soon. Let us all pray that he makes the right decisions.

If he doesn't then well...

(This is all based upon certain reports that I've personally seen for myself and have spoken to people who helped work on the reports. The reports come from the United States DoD.)

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