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Friday, January 16, 2009

A New Nuclear Power

From FOXNews: The Bush administration signed a nuclear cooperation agreement on Thursday with the United Arab Emirates, a last-minute deal that saddles the coming Obama administration with a decision on helping a Persian Gulf ally develop nuclear power despite concerns in Congress.
The Perspective: To start off, I'll say that this has been one hell of a slow ass week in terms of news. Sure we have the conflict in Israel, but up until the plane "landing" in the Hudson. We've had a very slow news week. But this is very interesting.

Thanks to the current plan that President Bush has signed with the UAE(United Arab Emirates) we are now set to create a new nuclear power. With the current worries of nations in the Middle East acquiring nuclear weapons, some would ask, why we're doing this. To me, its pretty simple.

The UAE unlike other Middle Eastern powers have been in good relations with the United States over the years. They in their history have shown little to no want to attack their neighbors by using certain things like nuclear or biological weapons.

We are NOT giving them the technology to create a nuclear weapon. We are only giving them the technology to create nuclear power, to run their power grids. But being the kind of guy that I am, I do have some problems with this.

My worries are:

1) The UAE may try to sell the technology to known terrorists in the area.
2) The UAE may try to create a nuclear weapon once we fully give them the nuclear technology.

While the possibility of what may happen is very unlikely when you consider the UAE's history, you can never be to careful. And that goes for this plan as well.

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