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Thursday, September 25, 2008

The 700 Billion Dollar Question

The Perspective: So, what would you do with 700 Billion Dollars?

Well as I've mentioned in the(Its Official: America Is A Mess) Congress and the Bush Administration wants to pass a 700 Billion dollar buyout deal. While the original deal, was completely wrong in a number of ways.

For example. In the original deal, CEO's and Presidents of companies that we plan to bail out would get money! if the deal failed and it caused that company to fail. This can't happen. And for once Congress didn't let it happen.(at least that is what I've heard about this 'new' bill). Also, in the original bill we, the taxpayers weren't covered. When you consider that the money being used to make this is is TAXPAYER dollars, we need to be covered. So to cover the American Congress again(wow twice in one day!!) re-wrote parts of the bill so that it will cover us.

To prove this I'll use an example. If we buy the items that are ''stuffing up the market" for .10 cents on the dollar it should cost around 700 Billion. If this bill works, and we get to the point where we can sell back this "stuff" then we hopefully can sell it for upwards of .30 or .40 cents on the dollar. If that happens we can make Trillions(yes with a T) in profit.

So maybe just once(sorry thats twice in one day), this 110th Congress got something right.

To do this John McCain suspended his Campaign, so he could go to Washington and work on the bill. He and Obama met with President George 'Dubah' Bush today at the White House. At this moment it seems that he will still miss the debate on Friday where NoBama will continue his course of talking and doing nothing.(Sorry...thats biased)

But in response Obama, told McCain that if he needs me call. Otherwise to basically, handle this shit yourself. Go ahead lose the election and I'll reap the rewards.(Sue me, I'm even now...this is biased too.)

Until then, lets hope that this bill the, 'good' one gets passed and we can start rebuilding this former great nation and get out of this fucking mess.

PS: Hardt...stay safe Brother. Ooooahhh!!

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