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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

This fuckin' guy...

News Highlights:

  • Iranian president at U.N.: "A few bullying powers" creating world's problems
  • Ahmadinejad on "Larry King Live": I have no preference between McCain, Obama
  • Ahmadinejad: Attacking Iran would be "worst thing the U.S. government can do"
  • Hostility with the U.S. "has not been from our end," Ahmadinejad says
The Perspective:

This...damn guy. I'll tell ya. I'm tired of hearing this guys Anti-American and Anti-Israel comments.

When he says that the American Empire is nearing an end, where is his proof? Well if you know anything about his viewpoints then you'd know why he believes this. For one, he thinks that the Muslim Messiah will soon appear and being upon the end of the Jewish people and 'American Devil'

Really, are we that bad?

This guy has made numerous comments about bringing about the end of the world, and attacking Israel and the United States. But the real issue? Nuclear weapons.

While according to the NIE(National Intelligence Estimate) Iran stopped using their nuclear program to build weapons in 2003. Thats 5! years ago. To me...the CIA, and NSA better get on the fucking ball and learn some 'newer' info before we decide to attack Iran.(Don't worry, we will)

And again(I sound like a broken record) their alliance with Russia, will only quicken their ability to get a nuclear weapon. Why? Russia is selling nuclear secrets, and nuclear technology. Not to mention that the Russians are helping build the reactors.

In closing...

This guy needs to get with the modern day picture. Stop making your useless threats and if you going to do something, just do it. And do it soon, so we can kick your fucking ass.

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