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Friday, September 26, 2008

And The Race Begins...

The time has come. McCain and Obama will finally debate.

The topic: World Events and International Relations
When: 9:00pm EST, 1900 hrs WT
Where: Ol' Miss Campus
Cost:5 Million USD

If your an American, you can't turn on your TV without seeing a political ad. You can't watch you local news without seeing and hearing something about one of the closest elections ever. Not to mention the 24hr news coverage of every little fucking thing that these 2 men do. If Obama takes a smoke break or McCain takes his ginkgo, we know.

So what the fuck is the deal? Why in hell is this so important? I'll tell ya.

We finally get to hear their points of view on the ISSUES. No more attacks, no more he said she said. Just the 'Straight Talk" that McCain as been saying this entire election.

The Upper hand? McCain. While Obama has had nearly 3 times the total debates that McCain has, this is Johns home turf. He is an expert in world events and international relations. Be it with Iran, Iraq, Venezuela, Russia, Israel, you name it he knows about it.

But don't think that Obama, will just sit down and let McCain take all the glory. Fuck no. The Junior Senator from Illinois will give Johna good fight, and make him work for a win.

The Turning Point:McCain knows people. Presidents of foreign nations, he has personal friendships with people all over the world. That will push John over the finish line.

So watch and listen....this is where the real fun begins.

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