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Monday, September 22, 2008

The Kremlin: At It Again...

Story Highlights:
  • Kremlin strengthens ties with Venezuela and other Latin American nations
  • Pentagon Official:"It's a show of the Kremlin irritation about the U.S. deployment to Georgia"
  • Russian vessels will conduct joint maneuvers with Venezuelan navy, official says
  • Deployment follows visit to Venezuela by a pair of Russian strategic bombers

Russia...the classic Western 'bad guy'. Why? Well if you look at the way that the Kremlin has acted in recent world events you'd know why. It all began with the U.S. wanting to place a ICBM Defense Shield over the EU(as I've mentioned in earlier blogs) and then they create a military alliance with Iran.(Huge Issue)

But while the Russian influence in the Middle East is mainly a problem for Israel and the EU(which makes it our problem) this alliance with Venezuela is an even bigger problem. Why?

The last time this amount of Russian military equipment was this close to the United States we were in the middle of the Cold War.(Cuban Missile Crisis anyone?) Could this mean something? Maybe, and maybe not. But its still something to be looking out for. Especially when they just sold Iran the S300 Anti-Missile System...that rivals the Patriot Missile System.

This would allow them(Iran) to stop any strike we attempted to do against their Nuclear systems. Not to mention that it could be modified to be used as a missile launching platform. And it could become Iran's very own Missile Defense Shield.

We can't let Mr. Chavez get this equipment. It would likely be a disaster in the making. He could attack well as any nation in South America. And lets not forget, that Russia has also sold Venezuela their small arms weapons. That could mean havoc in the area.

I'll keep everyone posted...

Russia...and Iran, and now Venezuela Huge Issues.

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