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Saturday, September 20, 2008

The American Debt...and a terrorism

The American, economy is in shambles. When the current national debt is in the 9 Trillion dollar USD range, and the deficit is near 450 Billion, you know we have problems. But the problems are just beginning...

Why are they just beginning? Its pretty simple when you look at it. Today President George 'Dubya' Bush asked Congress for 700 Billion dollars USD to Bailout the American economy. What will this do to our national debt?

It will raise the statuary debt limit from its current limit 10.6 trillion to 11.3 trillion dollars USD.

Crazy, no. Outrageous. When your GDP is only around 15 trillion dollars USD and you have over half of that in debt. Your nation will face serious economic issues.

While I won't rehash what I said earlier in the week, I will talk about 'what ifs' with this bailout deal.

What If It Works?: If it works, thank God. With the bailout program (full info here,2933,425672,00.html) the U.S government will be able to buyout every sub-prime mortgage and help maintain, and control what happens to them. Also this will help us avoid, our worse economic disaster since the Great Depression. Lets all pray that this gets passed soon and that it get helps our nations economy. At least in the short term...

What If It Fails?: To put it short. We're fucked. The nation will likely fall into a long and powerful recession or worse, a Depression. And it wouldn't just be a problem in the U.S. It will affect the world markets just as bad. Again lets hope that it works. We don't want it to fail. We need this.
Just a small quick tidbit about a terror attack in Pakistan.

A huge truck bomb devastated the Marriott Hotel in Pakistan's capital Saturday, creating a chaotic, fiery scene as rescue crews searched for survivors. At least 60 people reportedly have been reported killed and more than 120 injured.

Will this effect the United States? Maybe and maybe not. But one things remains true, as I've mentioned before. Terrorism is real, it exists and it still threatens the world. We must stay vigilant and help our allies whenever and wherever they need it.

Believe in the war....not necessarily Iraq. But the Global War On Terror.


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