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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Its Official: The United States Is A Fucking Mess

The Perspective:

Yesterday AIG's stock plummeted. Merryl Lynch, was bought by The Bank Of America. The DOW Industrial Average fell over 550 points. The NASDAQ fell nearly 100. America was rocked, and it wasn't because of any terrorist attack, or a hurricane(InTexas, Indiana, Kentucky, and Ohio) a war or any real government fuck up. What caused this to happen is very simple...bad business, poor judgment and the total destruction of the Middle Class of the United States of America.

Just 16 years ago the American Middle Class was booming.(Thank You Ronald Reagan) But then a man named William Clinton entered office and things began to slide. Say what you want. Things like, he gave us a surplus of money, he helped America, he didn't send us to war(he should have) and it all means nothing. The 'average American' doesn't look at the big picture. They are selfish and ignorant, and simply care for nothing and no one but themselves and their family. They should care for someone other than themselves and their family. This started happening once Clinton entered office and it was because of one thing...

NAFTA: North American Free Trade Agreement

So why did NAFTA begin to destroy the American way of life and the way we live? Well it all began with this 'Free Trade' idea. While, very much like Communism on paper this is a fantastic idea. But when we give it to politicians and we allow them to change things, it becomes something entirely different.

To begin we when NAFTA was signed had...little to no debt or deficit. With the trade being done between Mexico, Canada, and the United States with are tariffs we made money. Once these trade tariffs were eliminated we began to lose money, and operate in the red.

Now, if your a business man(Clinton was a known Lobbyist for Big Business) this is a huge benefit for you. Why? It saves you money in a number of ways. While I won't go into detail here(unless I'm asked to in a reaction) this was when American jobs began to be sent overseas and to our Southern and Northern neighbors, Mexico and Canada respectively.

If you go and check where the parts and the majority of the cars made by both Ford, GM, and Dodge are made you'll notice one thing. They aren't made in the United States. They are made in Canada and Mexico. Why?

Simple, we Americans are again greedy, and selfish. We want 20 bucks a hour to do what a Canadian or a Mexican will do for 10 bucks or less an hour USD. Why? Because, unlike us, they need the jobs. They'll take anything. They come here for jobs...why do we send our jobs to them?

Its reasons like NAFTA and other trade agreements with nations like China, and India for example that has destroyed the American Middle Class. Without a Middle Class, your nation will no NOWHERE. You must have a part of your nation that can be in debt and still survive. The Middle Class is key for every nation in the world and it is quickly becoming no existent.

Everyday, the separation between rich and poor becomes bigger. But it isn't just NAFTA that you can the rest of this post I'll explain the reasons why the nation is on its way to hell and the ONLY way that it can attempt to regain it status of the World Superpower. At this point in time and the shape that the United States of America is in the World our great trade partner; The People's Republic Of China.(Fuck That)

Part 2: Congress

If you were to do a nationwide survey of the United States you'd find that roughly only 17% of the American people like and believe that Congress is doing a good job. And if you'd look deeper into the polls you'd realize that the 17% of people who ike what Congress is doing is a member of the Upper Class and more than likely a member of Big Business.

When we have fucking Congressmen and women, as well a Senators who have been in Congress for 25+ years and ones that have brain tumors but still work, we have some huge fucking problems.

I'll tell you right now. Every single member of Congress is corrupt...all of them. Don't even try to find one that isn't. You'd be wasting your time and mine. That one person doesn't exist.

And why is this? It's pretty simple. To quote the Good Book, "Money is the root of all evil.."

When 'Big Fucking Oil' and 'Big Fucking Business' gives a Congressmen or a Senator hundreds of thousands of dollars to lobby for them...they do. Because they want the money, they want the power. For the reason that they were put in office by their people, and their plans for their state...well they just no longer fucking care.

They Give Up On Helping America...They Only Help Themselves.

So how do you stop this? And how do you rebuild America's Middle Class? I'll tell you that its suck as fuck not any type of Stimulus Plan that any government fuckhead comes up with. It will involve very drastic changes to the Final Law of this nation.

Changes To The United States Constitution.

According to the United States Constitution Senator terms last 6 years and they can be elected any number of times. For the House Of Representatives they are elected every 2 years and can be elected any number of times. Which means, that you can serve in Congress as long as you can get your corrupt ass fucking elected.

Its Wrong.

The President can only serve in officer for a maximum of 2 terms totaling 8 years in office. This is in place to limit the power of the President and to inject new ideas into the nations highest office.

We need TERM LIMITS in Congress for the SAME fucking reason. This will LIMIT power and fucking INJECT NEW IDEAS into the United States of America. We need this now...right now.

But with both Presidential Candidates being part of this Fucked Up system. The change won't happen in the next 4 years or even the next 8. The current 9 trillion (with a T) national debt won't go down...only up. The deficit will only increase as well.( its at nearly 500 Billion)

Reform...seems to be the word for this election. NO reform will happen, no matter who gets elected. Again thank Congress...don't blame the President. And lets just hope and pray that someone like Ronald Reagan shows up in the next 12 years and gives us hope and shows the leadership ability that is needed to change this nation.

For now make your choice...choose the lesser of the two evils in this election and hope that America makes the right choice too. Not that it really matters, for as long as we have the same fucking people in Congress nothing will change. And don't even get me started on the need of a third political party in this nation...or Iraq.

If any of my readers would like to talk more about this or would like to just get a little more info, just e-mail me. At :

I try to check it at least 5 times a day. I'll get your e-mail. Please leave your name so I know who in the hell I'm talking to.
May God Bless You and May God Bless America...we need it now more than ever.

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