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Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Donald Endources McCain/Palin For President

Well...who expected this? I sure as hell didn't. When you think of a man who knows how the economy works you think of people like Donald Trump and Warren Buffet.

So why would someone like Mr. Trump pick John McCain as his choice for President of the United States? Simple.

The Donald knows who the fuck can get things done and he knows the man that can lead this country into the 21st century.

I believe that something like this speaks volumes. Why? Obama is known to have a better economic plan than Mr. McCain. So why would a man who plays and lives off of the market pick McCain?

Obama's plan won't work.(again thank the do nothing congress)

McCain's plan makes sense. It can be done. The taxes can and will be lowered. Unlike the tax increases that Obama must do to make his plans work.(if they ever got passed)

McCain...he'll make the nation better. Obama...who knows.

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