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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Fuckin' Terrorists....and Bin Laden: Drill Baby Drill...

The Perspective:

Well if any of you watched CNN, MSNBC, or FOX news today two things were top stories. As stated yesterday, the complete fucking downfall of the United States and her economy(The DOW continues to fall currently down around 275 points as I sit down to write this and most likely will continue to fall more) and the Al Qaeda attack of the U.S Embassy in Yemen.

If you know a damn thing about Al Qadea and Bin Laden(most don't) you know that his family ancestry comes from Yemen.(Not to mention the founder of Al Qadea(Its not Bin Laden) is also from this area)

In the last three years, this U.S Embassy has been attacked 4 times, the most recent coming this past March.(Does anyone remember that?) In today's attack it was an ambush.

As usual they began the attack with a suicide car bomber(enjoy the virgins buddy, haha) which was one of four explosions that went off near the embassy. In congruence with the four explosions, militants hit the compound with automatic rifle fire as well as long range sniper fire. All of this comes from a U.S. State Department Official I spoke to prior to writing today's blog.

The body count is currently 10 civilians and Yemeni Police Officers were killed along with the six(6) militants that attacked the compound were killed.(nice job leathernecks)

To me this means one fucking thing. It seems that(as I've told people before) no matter what we do in Iraq, and Afghanistan Al Qadea will continue to work at an effective level. The only way to 'cut the head off of the snake' is to get approval from Pakistan and enter the nation with SF OD teams and remove the terror training camps in the area.(This is just a start, want a more in depth explanation e-mail me at

This also shows that we as a nation, and as a world are still at risk of terror attacks. Certain measures must be renewed and must be created to protect our nation and our allies all around the world. Fuck whatever Russia says. Place that mother fucking Ballistic Missile Defense Shield over the EU now. And tell Putin to go suck a dick.

According to the CIA Director, intelligence that was just released to the public that says Bin Laden is no longer in charge of the day to day activities of Al Qaeda. According to the Director its because all he has time for is to survive. And that this survival is getting tougher by the day.

What do I say? Well I say that its about fucking time. Just maybe, again I say maybe were getting closer to this fucker. Is it possible? Sure, I've been to the Kush Mountains and I know for a fact that there is only so many fucking places that this fucker can hide.

Keep it up boys...find that fucker and bring back his head.

Amazing. Mark your calenders. the 110th Congress finally did something. They passed an very small offshore drilling plan that will allow the oil companies and our government to drill 150 miles offshore or the United States.

Is it enough? Fuck no.

We need to be able to drill within 10 miles of our nation...where the most fucking oil is. Not this fucking 'fraudulent bill'. Not to mention we need to allow the people who own 'Stripper Wells' on the land of the United States to get better tech to allow us to lower out imports by two supertankers a year, if they made just 1! more barrel of oil a day.(Again thank Congress's corrupt ass and all the fucking lobbyists)

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