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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Man In London Shot 3 Times; Claims It Was Over His Pro-Obama T-Shirt

From FOX

Dube Egwuatu told the Mail he was purchasing a cell phone when a stranger started shouting racial slurs over his shirt featuring the presidential candidate’s face and the word “Believe.”

Egwuatu zipped up his jacket and headed for his car, but as he turned it on, the gunman opened the passenger side door and shot him three times, hitting him in the face, hand and shoulder.

Egwuatu managed to drive off while bleeding and call for help. A piece of metal was removed from his jaw from the attacker’s gas-powered ball-bearing pistol, the Mail reported.

“He was telling me that he was going to kill me,” Egwuatu told the Mail. “I couldn't believe it was happening — and just because I was wearing an Obama T-shirt. He was trying to make me walk somewhere quieter, saying: ‘I've got something for you,’ and ‘I'm going to kill you.’”

Local police are still looking for the gunman.


The Perspective: Bit much huh? You know that this Presidential election is getting out of hand when someone not living in America, gets shot because he wants Obama to win the election 'across the pond'.

I'll tell you right now, as you know I'm a McCain/Palin supporter and have already voted for them Absentee. But I would never go this far. America and England are both free nations where people are allowed to express their own personal beliefs and opinions. This blog is just an example.

By no means, should anyone ever be threatened due to their own beliefs, physical attributes, or ideas. Never, ever. We as a people who over time have became more and more forgiving for peoples flaws, should stop these acts of violence against innocent people and just let this election happen.

Only 27 days left.

McCain/Palin 08!!

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