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Thursday, October 9, 2008

North Korea Preparing To Fire More Missiles

According to reports by both the United States, State Department and South Korean Intelligence Agencies North Korea is preparing to at least test fire missiles.

The comes after North Korea has begun rebuilding the cooling tower on their nuclear reactor. The real threat is that according to U.S. intelligence estimates North Korea has enough weapons grade plutonium to create about a half dozen nuclear weapons.

According to a U.S. government official I spoke to U.S. spy satellites have found at least 10 short to medium range SCUD missiles on a small inlet island.

While North Korea routinely tests short range missiles, its the current activities of North Korea with the nuclear reactor and its hatred for The United State and her allies. The missiles that it currently has prepared for launch could reach Seoul, South Korea and as far as Russia.
The Perspective: Wow. Big problem. As we know North Korea, no matter who is truly in charge is a radical Communist state. With support from China and some from Russia, you can completely eliminate the possibility that these missiles are for China or Russia.

They would never attack their allies. But South Korea is an entire different story. As most of us know(I hope we all know that North Korea hates the South) North Korea has always felt that the area the south controls belongs to them.

According to this history, it seems logical that these missiles are for one of two things.

1.)Its just a test, nothing more, nothing less.
2.)Its for a strike against South Korea.

If it is a strike against South Korea we need to watch for troop movements by North Korea. It has been know for years, that the North would amass 250,000 troops at the DMZ and attempt to capture Seoul within 48 hours.

The sad thing, according to military strategy only one thing can be used against the North Koreans to stop them from capturing Seoul is...

Nuclear Weapons.

Lets hope its just a test.

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