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Sunday, October 5, 2008

Little Russia/Georgia Update...and a dead Taliban Leader

  • Russian troops have lowered the flag at a checkpoint in Georgian territory
  • Georgian officials say another post has been dismantled
  • Russia faces a Friday deadline to pull troops out of the so-called "security zones"
The Perspective: Well its about time. The Russian military since they have invaded Georgia, have been causing hell for the Georgian people. The 'Big Bad Kremlin' tried to take over Georgia and sway their right to join NATO.

Georgia who is a huge worldwide oil transporter is a key ally of the United States and The EU. Russia who's only competing pipeline in the region goes through Georgia. It seems logical that Russia would want to capture this pipeline and control ALL oil in the area.

Russia needs to be controlled, and watched closely. As I've talked about before....Putin is a serious problem.
DERA ISMAIL KHAN, Pakistan — Intelligence officials suspect a top militant leader may have been killed in an alleged U.S. missile strike because the Taliban are unusually angry about the attack.
The Perspective: This is why we need to send special forces operators into Pakistan. It is a known fact by our intelligence community that the key Al Qaeda and Taliban forces are in Pakistan. Fuck what the government in Pakistan says...infiltrate Pakistan and eliminate the terrorist threat.


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