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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Al Qaeda chief in Pakistan killed

Well it seems that the Pakistani army has done something right this time. Due to a joint Pakistan, United States missile attack in northwestern Pakistan, that struck an Al Qaeda leaders camp the newest Al Qaeda Pakistan lead was killed. Abu Haris was killed, and is another huge blow to Al Qaeda( Fuckin' A) and more proof that the United States in succeeding in this 'Global War On Terror'.

While the United States has had many breakthroughs during this 'War On Terror' especially since we have set "The Surge" in Iraq. This is even a more important operation for the Pakistani Army. Why? Its simple.

The Pakistani government has been criticized by the United States government for this lack of ability to stop, destory and control the terrorist threat in the, and northwest regions of their nation. All I can say to the Pakistanis is that this is a move in the right direction. Thanks, guys and keep up the good work. That goes for the flyboys and all the boys who helped in this operation. Great job guys, HOOAH!!
Time for a little more info on the attack. According to a pentagon officialI spoke to a total of three other Al Qaeda members were killed.
Abdullah, a Saudi; Abu Hamza, another Saudi and Zain Ul Abu Qasim, an Egyptian.

The strike apparently targeted Jalaluddin Haqqani, a key Taliban commander who has played a major role in the fight against U.S. forces in Afghanistan. While the main target was missed, the death of Abu Haris is still very important. According to Pentagon sources that I've spoken to have told me that Haqqani was in Afghanistan when the missiles hit and was not hurt, his son said.

The same Pentagon official told me and confirmed an explosion on Monday morning in North Waziristan, a region near the Afghan border that is rife with Islamic extremists details.

Four missiles were fired on a madrasa, or religious school, near the city of Miran Shah, sources said, killing three and wounding 12.
I was not told where the missiles were fired from but was told that two predator aircraft fired missiles at Haqqani's compound.

Haqqani was among the mujahadeen fighters who received U.S. help to fight Soviet forces in Afghanistan in the 1980s. He more recently has played a major role in fighting U.S. troops in Afghanistan.

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