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Saturday, September 13, 2008

May God Be With Them...

As all of the Americans know by now, Hurricane Ike made landfall this morning. With twenty foot storm surges and feet, again I say feet of rain falling it doesn't look good. Unlike Gustav of early last week, this was and is a problem.

So far the estimates aren't good. As of right now, upwards of 4 million, likely more people are without power. Hundreds if not thousands of trees are down, and as of right now 10 people have been killed.

When Ike hit land, it was a Cat. 2 with 110mph sustained winds...1 mph from being a Cat 3. Gusts from the storm reached upwards of 125 mph at ground level, but 250 feet up it was estimated that the winds reached 350 mph!

People who decided to stay, were in for a rough night, and as the pictures here on the blog show, it was exactly what was expected. In the coming days, we will only being to learn what really happened, and what the true amount of damage could be.

Now..for the Federal Government. If all goes well, as it should or Bush is fucked(again) and FEMA is fucked(again). The work with Gustav was great, nearly perfect. We need an exact repeat of what FEMA did then to make this work. Lets pray to god that it does happen. We know that the people of southeastern Texas needs all the help that they can get.
The Perspective: Well, well. It seems that FEMA has gotten its real storm to check out the 'improvements' that they've done since Katrina. We all know the National Guard will be absolutely perfect as they always are.(HOOAH!!)

Now, all I can say is that this storm was bad, really bad. While as of now I don't believe that it will be as bad as Katrina for one reason. 1.There were no levies that could break and literally let the ocean in. But it is still bad, very bad.

There will be millions if not billions of dollars in damage, from the water, wind and just classic mother nature. As of now all we can do is pray. May God be with everyone. The ones that left and especially the ones that stuck through it.

Please do everything you can. Volunteer at your local Red Cross chapter to help. Give money, help your fellow Americans and you fellow man. I know I will.

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