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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A Whole Bunch of Random Shit...and Russia

O.k. guys today is just a whole bunch of random shit, starting off with a Liberal Media fuck up...good ol' CNN.

CNN Uses Fake Sarah Palin Picture; Never Mentions Its A Fake

Well the image you see posted here on the blog is the image I'm talking about. It seems to me that the Liberals are just completely out of ways to attack Mrs. Palin. And to me this is going to fucking far.

To photoshop an image to make it seem that she is truly just a gun toting Redneck, its fuckin' bullshit. If I worked for any Conservative media, I'd photshop a picture of Mr. Obama and make him look like fuckin' Osama bin Laden. While to some it may see like that is going to far, its not. All that they've done since Mrs. Palin has entered this campaign is attack her with sexist ads and now a sexist, fake picture. Again...fuck Liberals.

McCain Palin 08!!

North Korea Denies That Kim Jong Ill Is Ill calls them 'Conspiracies'

Well, well. When 'The Little Leader' doesn't show up at his countries 60th anniversary you know something is wrong. Mr. Jong Ill has is a known diabetic and has had health problems earlier in his life, but dead? Come on. To me its hard to see one of the worlds worst leaders to be killed by 'natural causes'.

Sure he might be ill, and that might stop him from showing up at the 'big party' but its nothing, at least I think that its nothing to really worry about. With the modern medical science that we have even if he is ill, he'll be o.k.

But...I don't think that Mr. Jong Ill is, is ill at all hes at the Pyongyang nuclear reactor that was recently decommissioned. Why? Its simple really. Recent reports say that the North Koreans were in the process of rebuilding and putting the facility back online. Who else would Mr. Jong Ill trust to watch the process than himself? No one. The facility is much to important to have just anybody random fucker take care of it.

Lets just hope that this government (US government) says up to its end of the deal and removes North Korea from the 'Axis Of Evil' or the facility will reopen and we'll have a whole other fuckin' mess on our hands...lets go Bush.

Russian Bombers Land In Venezuela

To give you a little update on the current situation that we have with the new 'Czar'
of Russia and his plans for Mother Russia.

Today two Russian bombers landed in Venezuela to start the 'military training exercises' over neutral waters in the Atlantic. Hugo Chavez has now praised the arrival of the Russian bombers and mentioned that if Russian long range bombers ever needed to land in Venezuela that he'd be o.k. with it.

Problem: If the bombers did land in Venezuela the planes of the long range variety could reach the United States. That could be a problem...especially in the future. While the Russians say that the exercises have nothing to do with the Georgian conflict, I can't believe that.(Read Epicenter 2.0 and you'll know what I mean)

Lets just hope that the Russians and Venezuelans have their fun and get the fuck out of the western world...especially Russia.

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