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Monday, September 8, 2008

Russias at it again...

Well it seems that Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin just doesn't learn. Today I learned that the Russian Navy plans to help, you guessed it another of Americas 'Axis Of Evil' this time Venezuela. While Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Andrei Nesterenko says that the activities were planned prior to the conflict with Georgia, although sources say that Russia offered the naval activities, not Hugo Chavez.

On a separate note, the United States has crushed and given up on a nuclear technology deal with Russia in response to the Georgian conflict. The agreement called the 123 Agreement was meant to help with nuclear
non-proliferation on a worldwide scale.

The Redneck's Perspective: Now for the first time, as I'll try to do with all my posts I'll tell you a bit of news and then tell you my Perspective.

For this its really simple. Russia needs to straighten up its act and enter the 21st century. This is a day and age where you can't just go invade a country because it tries to do something that you don't like. You need real reasons to do things like that. When you have organizations like the UN (United Nations) the G8 and G5 all of which Russia is part of. Do you risk you position in the G8 (it has been an idea to remove Russia from it due to the Georgian issues) and still take worldwide criticism and scrutiny from the world powers over a nation trying to enter NATO? If you want to let your nation prosper and keep its place in the world then you don't do things like this. And...Putin himself and what he's doing with Iran and Syria is an another issue entirely. If you want to talk about Iran and get more in depth about Russia email me at
And on another note, Tom Brady is out for the entire NFL season. He will have season ending knee surgery later this week. To bad, Brady is one of the best QBs ever, up there with Favre, Marino, Manning and Montana. Well all I can say is that I hope all goes well and that he'll be back next year.


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