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Saturday, November 29, 2008

Mumbai, India Terror Attacks

The Perspective: Okay, its been a while I know. I'm sorry. If you want, shoot me. But I really just wanted to say that the attacks on Mumbai are just a wake up call to the rest of the world. And it says this.

Terror is alive and well, no one and I mean no one no where is safe.

When the final tally is set over 150 people will have died, and well over 300 injured in the attacks. Sure the Deccan Mujahideen took the blame but I'll tell you right now, it wasn't them.

For a mostly unknown terror group to have the funds and the ability to coordinate the attacks they need some big time backers. While its well known that India and Pakistan have had their differences over the years this is by far, one of the most coordinated attacks that I've ever seen. And it tells me one thing and one thing only.

Al Qadea was involved in one way or another. No other terror group in the world is capable of making such a large attack, happen, and let alone work.

In my opinion, Al Qaeda backed the operation, while this 'Deccan Mujahideen' carried out the op. But don't worry. The Indian military and special forces handled most of the issues, but not before hostages were taken and hundreds had died. Oh and by the way the U.S more than likely had some type of asset on the ground. Probably the 1st SFOD-D team that's based in China, just a small clue there.

But hey, shit happens right? I guess so. And just one final thing before I go. If I had your cell phone number I beat CNN and FOX News in reporting the incident by almost 30 minutes. If you want to stay up to date on things like this drop me an e-mail at with your cell number and I'll keep you posted.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Unconfirmed Iranian Nuclear Test

The Perspective: Let me begin by saying I am hesitant to send this to you because it is an unconfirmed report, and I hope it is wrong. But I wanted you to at least be aware and we'll track the story together in the coming days. An Israeli news service is reporting this morning that an earthquake in Iran last weekend may have been triggered by an Iranian nuclear weapons test, citing an Iranian nuclear scientist working on the project as its source. "This past Saturday night, southern Iran experienced what was reported as a significant earthquake - a seismic event measuring 5.0 on the Richter scale," reports Arutz Sheva/Israel National News, attributing the story first to the Israel Insider website. "Its epicenter was just north of the strategic Straits of Hormuz, which separates Iran from Abu Dhabi and Oman and which is the gateway to the Persian Gulf. The report quotes an Iranian nuclear scientist who claims to be working in uranium enrichment for the project, and who said that the 'quake' was acutally an undergound nuclear bomb test. Israel Insider adds that the test/quake was actually the second in a series. Nine days ago, a 4.8 Richter scale event occurred, with its epicenter only five kilometers away from the weekend tremor. The Israel Insider source reports that two nuclear rockets are currently ready - and are intended for use against Israel in the coming months. If the report is correct, it would belie previous speculation that Iran would not begin nuclear testing until it had more nuclear-bomb production capability." Let me stress again that this is an unconfirmed report. While the Associated Press did report a 5.0 earthquake in Iran this past weekend, as of 7:30am eastern on Friday the allegation that the quake was connected to Iranian nuclear testing has not been picked up by other major Israeli news services such as the Jerusalem Post, Ynet, or Haaretz. At the very least, let's keep praying for the peace of Jerusalem, and preparing to care for those in the epicenter who would be severely affected if war is coming soon.

If this is real...God Help Us All.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Dear Mr. Obama

The Perspective: Watch it, Love it. Here is why we need Johnny McCain.

PS: Happy Halloween.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

23% Of Texans Believes Obama Is Muslim

From FOX

A new poll finds that 23 percent of registered voters in Texas believe that Barack Obama is a Muslim, even though the Democratic candidate has repeatedly explained that he is a church-going Christian.

The poll, conducted by the Texas Politics Project and Department of Government at The University of Texas in Austin, showed Obama trailing John McCain by 11 points in the Lone Star State.

Forty-five percent of those polled accurately described Obama as a Protestant. But the 23 percent who identified his religion as Islam is about twice as high as in typical national polls.

Throughout his presidential campaign, Obama has been fighting false rumors, largely hatched on the Internet, that he is secretly a Muslim.

On Obama's Fight the Smears Web site, which his campaign set up to battle harmful claims, it says that Obama is a "committed Christian" who regularly attends church with his family.

The Texas poll interviewed 550 registered voters in Texas from Oct. 15-22, and had a margin of error of 4.2 percent.

The Perspective: O.K. I know that they say "Don't mess with Texas." But I have to, because this is just going to far and giving us 'Rednecks' a bad name.

Even though I support Johnny McCain, I don't think Barack Obama is a bad guy. Hes, just well lets say 'out of touch' with what needs to be done in this country and what can be done in this country. But anyway, back to the poll.

23!!% Are you kidding me? This is just fucking crazy. He has and will continue to say that he is a Christian. Because thats WHAT HE IS!! Sure, its the same old, well you Rednecks are stupid. Bullshit.

Don't blame the Rednecks. Blame the hicks who live in Bumfuck, somewhere. Texas in this case, who don't leave their homes unless they're hunting or apparently voting.

So tell me? Did you know that Obama was a Christian?(I hope so, if not I'm a failure) Or were you one of the guys who, are just narrow minded? Either way...NOW YOU KNOW.

Vote November 4th!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Message From Barack Obama: Play Ball After I Talk

The Perspective: So who is watching the World Series tonight? Its game five and its in the sixth inning tied 2-2. If the Phillies win its over...and we've waited 2 days to watch the finish.

So your pumped right? Can't wait till the final out and see if the Rays storybook season continues. I know I am...but the wait isn't over. Why?

Good Ol' Barack Obama is giving a 8pm EST. Just before the game. Who the fuck does this guy think he is? Sure, he might be the next President of the United States but this is BASEBALL and the WORLD SERIES at that. The American Pastime.

You don't fuck with baseball. And he's fucking with it, and in a big way. I mean sure it cost him 1 million! a piece for the 30 minute time slot on FOX, CBS, and NBC and millions more for the 3 cable networks.

But in the middle of the WORLD SERIES!?! Fuck that. I don't know about you guys, but I'm just sick and tired of this shit. Let the election happen and let me watch my baseball. If you've got something to tell me...wait till after the game you damn politician.(and they goes for all of ya, don't fuck with sports)

And one more thing...ever hear someone say, "Well they bought the election." Well its happening... this is just another example.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Abu Ghadiyain Killed In U.S SOCOM Strike In Syria

From FOX News:

Killed in Sunday's attack by Special Operations Forces was Abu Ghadiyain, Al Qaeda's senior coordinator operating in Syria who was closely associated with the leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq.

The assault, which took place about 4-5 miles inside Syria, came just days after the commander of U.S. forces in western Iraq said American troops were redoubling efforts to secure the border, which he called an "uncontrolled" gateway for fighters entering Iraq.

Ninety percent of foreign fighters enter Iraq through Syria, according to U.S. intelligence estimates, bringing cash to Al Qaeda in Iraq's chief. They also are deadly — trained in bomb-making and willing to sacrifice themselves in suicide attacks.

A senior U.S. military intelligence official said that in July only about 20 foreign fighters were entering the country each month, down 50 percent from six months earlier, and just a fifth of the estimated 100 foreign fighters who were infiltrating Iraq a year ago.

Eight people in total were killed in the raid, which Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem called an act of "criminal and terrorist aggression."

During their funerals, angry residents shouted anti-American slogans and carried banners reading: "Down with Bush and the American enemy."

Russia's Foreign Ministry also criticized the attack, warning that it will escalate tensions in the region.

FOX News' Jennifer Griffin, Catherine Herridge, Kelly Wright, Anne McGinn and The Associated Press contributed to this report.


The Perspective: Now if any of my readers ever questioned why I talk down about Syria so much, here is some proof. We all know that in recent weeks the U.S. military has been targeting numerous key members of Al Qaeda.

Ghadiyain is just another example of why we need to go into place like Pakistan(who has stepped up their counter-terror activity) and Syria. The news story mentions intelligence such as the number of fighters that enter Iraq from Syria and what percent of fighters come from Syria. The numbers are astonishing.

When you consider the history of Syria and its actions in helping nations such as Saddam's Iraq, Lebanon, and housing terrorists from Al Qaeda and Hezbollah. Something needs to be done.

This 'something' is exactly what we did this weekend in Syria. Send in SOCOM troops and hit them hard and fast. From the people that I've spoken to inside the Pentagon, the SOCOM unit that attacked Syria is from the 1st SFOD-D.(Figure it out yourself, I can't tell you anything more than that)

And yes, Russia got a piece of the action too. I love that whenever a known supporter of terrorism is attacked by the United States that Russia stands behind the terror supporter(in this case Syria) and not the United States. Will it escalate tensions in the region. will help being stability to the region, but more still needs to be done.
And on a separate note, Jennifer Hudson's mother and brother were killed this weekend, and her nephew was kidnapped. Reports surfaced today saying that the SUV that was stolen has been found with a black males body inside the SUV. Lets pray that its not her nephew.

May God be with the Hudson family.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Azerbaijan Feels Threatened...

The Perspective: We all remember when Russia attacked its small southern neighbor of Georgia right? It wasn't pretty, it was a complete embarrassment. Not just for Georgia but for its main supporter The United States.

For the first time in almost 20 years, we were hopeless and unhelpful in preventing 'The Bear' from attacking a nation. 'The Eagle' was beaten, and battered. And a little scared. So how does Azerbaijan work into all this? Pretty simple.

They feel that they are the next Georgia.

Ever since they got their independence from the Soviet Union when they collapsed they have done a balancing act between supporting the west and their northern neighbor, Russia. They took NATO support, but never have shown interest in joining. They allow U.S planes to land and refuel, but U.S. troops can't be stationed on their land.

The most important thing in all of this, is the pipeline they have that runs from the Caspian Sea up toward Russia and that breaks off and links to the one that goes through Georgia and supplies most of the oil to Europe.

In case you don't know, Russia attacked Georgia for two reasons. They didn't want Georgia in NATO, and two they wanted to control the oil that Georgia supplied to Europe. Remember Russia's oil company is nationalized. The government controls all oil, that Russia themselves produces.(Gazpcom in case your interested in the name) No private business.(Thank Putin for that....)

So if your Azerbaijan what do you do? Do you continue to try to play the balancing act between the west and the north or try something else? Something else is more likely. And its pretty simple.

The chess board has tipped. Its no longer possible to help both sides, its one side or the other. And boys and girls, it didn't tip in America's favor. Hell no, nowhere near it. 'The Bear' has a death grip upon its former Soviet States. Go ahead argue with me. You won't win. Find me one instance where they can't just squash any of their former Soviet States.

And lets not forget who borders Azerbaijan to the south...good ol' Iran. Looks like a bad place to be in my book.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Slow news day...

The Perspective: Its a slow news day so I'll just talk about a few things that seem to be bothering everyone...everywhere.

First off lets talk about this election. To my readers, the ones who live in the United States tell me have you made your decision on who your voting for?(I'd like to know e-mail me at with your answer) Or are you one of the now 9% who are still undecided?

For me, as most of you know I support McCain. But I don't go without any issues. I don't think either of the candidates deserve to be President. They both stink, it'll just be the same shit we've had for the last 8 years because of Congress.(but lets not get into that today)

We've got 12 more days of this useless shit to listen to and then its over.(I know I'm kidding myself it'll never be over) Does it matter who wins...not really. Do I care who wins? Of course I do. And its all for the right reasons.

They say this is the most important election in our isn't. Its just blown out of proportion because an African-American might win. In America, and most of the modern western world thats unheard of.

Will Obama or McCain do what they say? Maybe, but its highly unlikely. They just don't have the 'fuck government I work for the people and no one else' mentality that Reagan had that made him so fucking good.

So come the next 12 days, hunker down and just watch out for the exit polls...God knows that'll be the most dangerous thing flying around November 4th.

Second: The Economy
How many of my readers have been laid off due to this Recession were in?(There I said it happy?) What have you had to cut back on to get by? And what do you think is the right thing to do, to make this economy work?(e-mail me, I'd like to hear your thoughts on the subject.

Me? Hell. All is good here so far. Certain things in the markets are worrying me, but right I now I'm o.k.

But lets just say, this isn't the worse part of it. The worst is yet to come. But things will get better as Alan Greenspan said today. Just hang in there. America and the world will get through this.

The bailout plan, is not the answer. Use that 700 billion to create jobs. Fuck buying out banks, and companies. That is not democracy. Thats socialism. That is bordering on communism. And no one wants that now do we?

We needed to do what FDR did. Create something similar to his new deal package that allowed to government to create jobs and lower the unemployment rate. We need to extend unemployment benefits and stop taxing them. The people on unemployment need every cent that they can get.

Let the banks fail. Its their own fault. Third we need to repeal the bill Congress(pattern huh?) passed in the 70's that forced banks to give loans to 'risky people' so they could have home. This is what caused this crazy fucking mess we're in now. So what you can't own a house.

Lifes' A Bitch. Get the fuck over in an apartment or townhouse. Hell buy a Condo.

And one final thing...stop living off the government. Get off your lazy asses and get job.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Small Tidbit on Israel and Russia today

From Interfax News Agency with a few parts added by me.

"Libya may agree to buy more than $2 billion worth of Russian weapons during a visit by Muammar Gaddafi to Moscow this month, Interfax news agency reported on Monday." The Israeli media immediately picked up on the reports. Given Libya's historic enmiity towards Israel, there is a very real concern that should Libya receive billions of dollars of advanced new weaponry from Moscow, those arms could eventually be turned against the Jewish State. There are also prophetic implications. The "War of Gog and Magog" described in Ezekiel 38-39 involves a military alliance between Russia, Iran, Libya and a group of other Middle Eastern countries that surround and seek to destroy Israel in "the last days" after Israel has been reborn as a country and Jews have returned en masse to the Holy Land. A development worth watching closely.
The Perspective: As most of my readers know, I'm s strong supporter of Israel. I've sent care packages to Israel through the Joshua Fund and have planned to do their over this coming summer. Theses types of news reports mean a lot to me and in my opinion should be a lot to you. No matter what your religion is.

If you've read my earlier posts, you know about The "War Of Gog and Magog" and what I believe.(its under the September 21-28 archive) I recommend that you read that first before finishing reading this.

So, Russia has already allied themselves with Iran, Lebanon, Syria and Venezuela. So lets factor in Libya. Another middle eastern nation who historically has hated Israel. They have numerous times talked about attacking Israel.(no where near as threating as Iran though)

We must then factor in this possible arms deal that both Syria and Lebanon have already agreed to and accepted the firearms(mostly AK-101's but it also includes RPK's and RPG's of many types new and old) and war machines(APC's, Tanks) that Russia is offering. This would allow Russia to begin massing a large military force to use against Israel.

We can't let this happen. As a Christian and as a supporter of Israel. Being a United States Citizen, we need to make our government take action against mostly Syria, Lebanon and of course Iran. We can't let them get the nuclear weapon.

Using our own Nuclear weapons is and must stay on a worse case basis. Sadly this may be that worse case. Iran is a very dangerous nation....if they got their hands on a nuclear or chemical weapon the actions of Iran could be earth shattering.

We must protect Israel. Join the Joshua Fund today at

Thank You.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Greedy Oil Rich Nations...

The Perspective:

If you don't know I'll tell you. OPEC met today and plans to lower the production of oil. This is so they can get their precious oil profits.

If you haven't noticed(if you haven't you've been sleeping in a cave) the price of gas has fallen greatly over the last few months and so has the price of oil. Its down from the record high of 147 to around 70 dollars a barrel.

While this is good for us, its not good for the Big Oil Companies and this is from their point of view.

Fuck their point of view. Big Oil is a serious issues.

Saudi Arabia was the not leading nation who pressed for limits on production. Guess who it was.

Russia. Figures right? Can Putin do just one thing that benefits the world and not just himself...hell no.

But where they alone...of course not. Who else was pushing for lower production. Iran and Venezuela. Seems odd that the worlds most dangerous alliance all pushed for lower production at the same time. A

And worst of one else did.

So what does this mean. It means only one thing.

Russia, Iran and Venezuela all have some kind of agenda. And it won't be good for the world. They need money for this...and oil as always is good money and its makes it quick.

Just keep an eye I've mentioned before. Russia, Iran and Venezuela all deserve a close look...for many years to come.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Did Family Guy Go To Far?

In the episode, two of the characters, Stewie (a talking baby) and Brian (a talking dog) are transported to Poland during the Nazi invasion of World War II. In one scene, the characters beat up and steal the uniforms of two Nazi officers. Stewie looks down at his Nazi uniform and notices a McCain/Palin campaign button attached to its lapel, remarking “Huh, that’s weird."

The Perspective: O.K. well I've posted the video so watch it before you continue reading and decide what you think. But heres my take.

No, they didn't and they never really did. The only people who think that they did are the ones who are fucking narrow minded fools who are Super McCain supporters. This type of thing is protected under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. Quit fucking complaining.

Seth MacFarlane the creator of the show is an avid supporter of Obama as is most of Hollywood so why wouldn't he express his feelings for what John McCain stands for, while still making it funny. Thats right...I a John McCain supporter thought that it was funny as hell and will watch it again and again.

Pretty good I say, and hell everybody loves a good laugh.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Biggest Rant Yet....

O.k guys hopefully you've got some time to blow today...your going to need it. Why? Because today I've got a shitload of things to talk about and I will be going into detail with all of them. So sit back relax and enjoy.

All In The Perspective: Al Anbar Provence, home to Purple Heart Boulevard, what was the biggest strong hold for Al Qaeda and home of the biggest and bloodiest battle of the entire war. Fallujah.

But ladies and gentlemen...Al Anbar is secure and its not do to any fucking agreement(we'll talk about that later) its due to the Surge of Troops sent to Iraq that got the fucking job done. No longer must the men and women of Al Anbar Iraq live in fear of death and attacks upon their home. They live peacefully...and they are thankful.

When 'The Surge' began we sent 8,000 marines into Al Anbar and hit the enemy where it hurt, on their land. In their strongholds. In areas that they believed were safe...damn did we ever prove them wrong. Safe was the last thing that Al Anbar was.

We hit them hard, from the ground, air and sea. It was Al Anbar's own Shock and Awe. 4 years later and Marine General John Kelly says that Anbar is safe, secure and won't ever return to the way it was before. The people who live in Anbar wouldn't let it happen. Again the people...not military force. Sounds pretty good don't you think?

With the number down from 8,000 to 3,000 and all Marine forces due to be gone by November 14th...all is well. To quote the General Kelly..."We are winning this thing, we'll turn out the lights when we leave."

So folks? Who's the bad guy now? Sure as fuck not the ones who made this surge happen. Thanks David.

I can see the headlines now.

All U.S. Troops Out Of Iraq: War Was A Success says 44th President of The United States
Democracy In The Middle East Achieved
Democracy In Middle East Works
Democracy In Middle East Success
U.S. Influence In Middle East Success
Iraq Oil Profits Soar: Government Thanks United States
War Is Over: Troops Leave

These are the headlines of January 1st 2012 if the agreement that Iraq and the U.S. have been working on for almost a year.

If accepted by the Iraq government all U.S. troops will begin working out of bases outside of cities in June of 2009. Up until 2011 Iraq would have limited control over the actions of U.S. forces in terms of state, and city laws. For example.

If a U.S. soldier raped a Iraqi women he would be tried in an Iraqi court not in America.

But then we've got Mr. Muqtada al-Sadr (Mew-ta-da-al-saud-r) who is completely against the agreement. He believes that the United States should leave Iraq now and believes that Iraq can take care of its self.

Well Mr. al-Sadr let me tell you something you stupid fuck. Not yet asshole they can't. While the Iraq Security Force has made huge strides they aren't quite up to the level of effectiveness that our men and women in uniform are. They still need our help.

They lead roughly 75% of all assaults in Iraq now. The other 25% still are led by the United States. Until then...we will remain. The agreement will allow us to train the final 125,000 or so troops that will be needed in the Iraqi Security Force so they can lead all the assaults.

So this guy...can just shut the fuck up and let the Iraqi government do their job and the U.S. do ours. Hell, he doesn't even live in Iraq now...hes over in Iran.(Kinda fishy to me...)
I've got to touch on Afghanistan and Pakistan real quick. Today the Pakistan army killed 60 insurgents in the Northwest region of the nation.

Great job guys...keep it up otherwise we'll come in and do the job for you. And you wouldn't want that.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Joe "The Plumber"

No news today, just wanted to say a few words about my fellow Ohioan.
The Perspective: So, we all watched the third and final debate right? Who do you think won? Was it Johnny McCain or Barack Obama? Neither of the politicians won the was an Ohioan.

Joe "The Plumber"

When the whole debate is about you and your name is mentioned nearly 20 times you know you hit a nerve with both the candidates. So whats his back story? Its pretty simple...

Joe is an average American who just wants to own the business he has worked 12 hours a day, 6 days and week for over 12 years. So he asked Mr. Obama...will you raising taxes on small business kill my dream of owning my business?

Mr.Obama was struck dead...flat, speechless. He finally answered the question with his "I'll give 95% of Americans a tax cut who make less than 250,000 a year." Rhetoric.

So who is is my buddy Joe voting for? He won't say but if you look at his question I'd say hes leaning toward Johnny McCain.(my opinion)

But the best thing...Joe isn't a PLUMBER!! Hes a plumber in training...haha right?

But in all seriousness Joe is an example of why its so hard to choose a person to vote for this election. If you look at records...Obama will raise taxes McCain won't. But then he says that he'll lower taxes...what is the truth. Thats all Joe wanted to know.

That what ALL of us want to know. I'm tired of the bullshit that is said on the campaign trail. We need to just sit down and tell the truth...I mean come the fuck on guys.

So what do you think about Joe "The Plumber"?

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Oil Falls Below $70 A Barrel

News: From FOX Business

A broad commodities selloff hit the markets on Thursday, with oil and gold both declining notably.

Oil plummeted to a 14-month low under the $70 level on Thursday after the government reported a bigger-than-expected jump in crude inventories.

The benchmark oil contract was recently trading lower by $5.93 at $68.61 a barrel. Oil is now trading more than 50% off its midsummer high.

The Energy Information Administration said crude stocks jumped by 5.6 million barrels last week, which comes in well above the 3.1 million barrel increase analysts expected.

“The crude stock increase was a big surprise,” said Ritterbusch & Associates president Jim Ritterbusch. “It was enough to tilt the scales lower.”

Gasoline stocks also soared, rising by seven million barrels last week, more than double the increase analysts had expected.

“The increase in gasoline stocks … was an even bigger surprise,” Ritterbusch said.

Wholesale gasoline futures plummeted about 16-cents to $1.63 per gallon as a result. The rapid reduction in gasoline prices on the wholesale level are slowly chipping away at retail gasoline prices.

Regular retail gasoline hit $3.084 per gallon on average nationwide, according to the AAA's Daily Fuel Gauge Report. This is about 25% below its July 17 high of $4.11 per gallon. The $3.00 mark holds a certain level of psychological significance for drivers buying retail gas, according to analysts.


The Perspective: Do you remember when all the media could talk about was oil and the price of gas? Well get ready...there going to start talking about it again.

But this time its for a good reason.

14 months ago oil was at a record high of $147 a barrel. AAA's national average for gasoline was nearly $3.50 a gallon. Everybody wanted to drill, drill, drill.

But now look. Just 14 months later oil is off 50%!! in price. The National average for gasoline si down to $3.08 a gallon. No one is really bitching about the price of gas or the price of oil.

But why in God's name did this just suddenly happen? Its pretty simple really.

The American people finally stopped being oil hungry. This nation uses nearly 22 million barrels of oil a day. And we import nearly 65% of all the oil we use. We send over $700 billion a year to countries that don't like us, and whose oil profits are supporting terrorism...just so we can drive our precious SUV's.

So what did we do? We wised the fuck up. We decided to trade in those gas guzzlers and get ourselves a compact car...or even God forbid a Hybrid!!

Fuck OPEC, fuck Saudi Arabia and King Abdullah. We'll use our own fucking oil, drive better cars. And overall stick it to your fucking ass.

Sure, a bad economy helps, but every time a new oil report comes out it says the same thing.

Supplies are up, demand is the price falls. For now that is.

OPEC will be meeting next month to decide if they should lower their production and their exports to places like the United States...just so they can raise the price of oil back to that $100 mark.

This is just one reason(of many) that we need to drill offshore for.(we won't get into that argument for now.)

To me OPEC can go fuck themselves...we'll just keeping using less oil. And then lets see what they do. $1.50 for gas anyone? I'm all for it.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Fuckin' Terrorists

For the news on this one, I'm just going to give you some bulleted story highlights.

New Evidence Of Iranian Influence In Iraq:
  • Senior U.S. official: Intelligence shows Iran may be behind recent attacks in Iraq
  • Official: Iraqi general said Iran paid him to derail a pending troop agreement
  • Source says general was arrested a few weeks ago at the Iranian border
  • Info underscores generals' view it's too soon for a major additional U.S. drawdown
Top Al Qaeda Officer Killed:

  • Abu Qaswarah killed during an operation in Mosul on October 5
  • He was second-in-command to al Qaeda in Iraq leader Abu Ayyub al-Masri
  • Coalition forces tracked him down inside a building in the northern Iraqi city
  • U.S. military described Abu Qaswarah as a "charismatic" leader
The Perspective: O.K we've got a few things to talk about today. Lets begin with the Iran issue.

Iran: These guys just don't ever quit. As I've mentioned before on numerous occasions Iran is a problem.

Shortly after the Iraq war began, Iran began sending Armor Piercing IED's across the border and supported the insurgents that were and are fighting against our men and women in Iraq. Now this.

To bribe an Iraqi General so terrorists can get weapons that are from Iran and use them against our soldiers is outrageous. Something needs to be done with Iran, and it needs to be done now.

Iran's plan is pretty simple. Supply the terrorists with equipment that can reorganize and allow attacks to begin. This is why we can't have a 'time line of withdraw' if we do , the terrorists will just wait, and then attack once we leave..Vietnam anyone?

Al Qaeda: Well, it just keeps getting worse for Al Qaeda. It seems that everyday something goes wrong for them. Just look at what has happened recently.

1.) Osama will no long in charge.
2.) Association with the Taliban has been severed.
3.) The U.S. is constantly attacking and eliminating their terror camps and their volunteers.

But this is a GOOD thing. While it will take decades to stop Al Qaeda, if that even happens(unlikely it ever will) each blow we hit them with is a very small step toward victory. So lets just wait and see what happens. And as usual.

Keep it up boys...HOOAH!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Syria and Lebanon Friends?

Today Syria finally recognized Lebanon as a nation and plans to place a embassy in the nation and Lebanon plans to do the same.

The move by President Bashar Assad — a long-standing demand of the West and Lebanese politicians opposed to Syria's influence in the country — ends six decades of nonrecognition of its neighbor's sovereignty. The two countries have not had formal diplomatic ties since both gained independence from France in the 1940s.

In August, Lebanon and Syria agreed to establish ties and demarcate their contentious border. That landmark agreement, which came during an official visit by Lebanon's president to Damascus, and Assad's formal decree Tuesday, also mark a final break in Syria's longtime dominance over its smaller neighbor.

Damascus had controlled Lebanon for 30 years before it was forced to withdraw troops in 2005.

The Perspective: Well if you look at this development from the Wests point of view its a great thing.

Finally, this known supporter of terrorism and hater of Israel has done what the west has asked them to do. Even though it took them over 3 years.

From the Israels point of view its good and bad. First the good.

Good: This will allow Israel to create better relations with Syria and Lebanon and attempt to create peaceful borders. Will it happen? Yes. Soon? No. But it will happen, it has to happen for other world events to happen.( Ezekiel)

Bad: This is also a serious issue. Syria has supplied weapons to Lebanon after Russia supplied them. This could also create military issues with Lebanon and Syria as a combined force to be used against Israel.

Most of the weapons Lebanon's terrorist group Hezbollah used against Israel in 2006 were supplied by Russia to Syria, that were then given to the terror group. This is the issue. Allowing Syria to have closer relations with the Lebanese government is not the issue. Its allowing Syria to have closer relations with the terrorists in Lebanon.

Take this for what you will....its good and bad. But in my opinion more good than bad. Lets just wait and see.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Pentagon Official: More Than 100 Insurgents Killed In Combat Against NATO Forces

According to a Pentagon official I spoke to, today in Southern Afghanistan near Lashkar Gah the capital of the Helmand Province more than 100 Taliban Insurgents were killed in the area.

These Taliban forces were killed in two separate attacks in the area. The NATO forces that are tasked with defending the area of Lashkar Gah are from England. According to the official I spoke to in the first clash 61 militants were recovered and it is estimated that near 20 other militants were taken out of the area by the Taliban.

In another clash later in the day 43 more bodies were recovered again in the Lashkar Gah area, this time farther out in the outskirts of the city.
In this second battle in Helmand province, Afghan and international troops retook the Nad Ali district center — which had been held by militants — during a three-day fight. That battle, which also involved airstrikes, ended Saturday.

I was told that no Afghan Police/Military, or NATO members were killed or injured in the fight.

Lashkar Gah is of key importance because
Helmand province is the largest drug producing area in the world and the region alone accounts for more than half of Afghanistan's production of opium poppies. More than 90 percent of the world's opium is produced in Afghanistan and up to $100 million of the trade's profits are used to finance the Taliban insurgency.

According to the AP more than 4,700 people, who are mostly militants have died in the area this year.
The Perspective: Alright, lets admit it. Iraq is mostly secure and its due to The Surge as we talked about a few days ago. I know what Afghanistan can be like. An idea like The Surge won't work in the mountainous regions of Afghanistan. So what will? Keep reading.

To achieve success in Afghanistan we need to send more troops in the area.(thats a no brainer) but we can't send the amount of troops we have in Iraq over to Afghanistan. The type of combat in Afghanistan is a complete 360.
In Iraq you have suicide bombers and mostly unconventional warfare. In Afghanistan you have unconventional warfare, but mostly you have conventional warfare in the mountains.

The men fighting against us and our allies are trained soldiers and warriors of the Taliban. Not randomly recruited bombers that are used in Iraq.

We must send in forces such as the Rangers and Special Forces to up root the Taliban forces in Afghanistan and not to mention sending forces into Pakistan is a must. Without removing the terror training camps in Pakistan, success in Afghanistan will never happen.

Lets hope that the next president can do the right thing, and allow us to succeed in both Iraq and Afghanistan.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

The United States Removes North Korea From Terror List

Today is a huge day if your a citizen of North Korea. Confirmed by multiple State Department officials today Secretary Of State Condolezza Rice signed a paper removing the North Korean, communist state from the terror watch list.

This comes after years of conflict with the Northern half of the Korea. While they had agreed to an agreement months earlier to be removed, they weren't. In response to this they began rebuilding their reactor...well that seemed to get the American government moving. Not to mention reacent missile tests, and the placement of the SCUD-B missiles on the eastern half of the nation.

This created fear, and worry in Washington. While forcing the State Department and the White House to take action.

So with today's action by the State Department...we have one less 'evil' nation to worry about.
The Perspective: Well, well. I guess that if your Kim Jong Ill today is a good day for you. The little man has finally gotten his head on straight and done the right thing. Even though it did take a stroke for him to do it.

Lets just thank God and the great people who allowed this to happen. While it took many years and many(to many really) arguments to get done, lets just be happy that it happened.

You'd think I'd have more to say, well I do.

Sure I'm glad their off the list. But I still don't trust them. When Israel says you sell weapons to terrorists, you DO sell weapons to terrorists.

I have never and will never trust the North Koreans.

Friday, October 10, 2008

If You Don't Think The Surge Worked...Fuck You

Market by market, square by square, the walls are beginning to come down. The miles of hulking blast walls, ugly but effective, were installed as a central feature of the surge of American troops to stop neighbors from killing one another.

The slow dismantling of the concrete walls is the most visible sign of a fundamental change here in the Iraqi capital. The American surge strategy, which increased the number of United States troops and contributed to stability here, is drawing to a close. And a transition is under way to the almost inevitable American drawdown in 2009.

There are now more than 148,000 United States troops in Iraq, down from the peak of around 170,000 a year ago, and President Bush has accepted the military’s recommendation to remove 8,000 more by February.

Iraqis are already taking on many of the tasks the Americans once performed, raising great hopes that the country will progress on its own but also deep fears of failure.

On Oct. 1, the Sunni-dominated Awakening Movenment, widely credited with helping restore order to neighborhoods that were among the most deadly, passed from the American to the Iraqi government payroll in Baghdad. There is deep mutual mistrust between the new employer and many of its new employees, many of whom are former insurgents.

Another element of the transition, which has attracted far less notice than the Awakening transfer, is the effort by the Iraqi Army to begin turning over neighborhoods to the paramilitary National Police. In the future, its officers, too, will leave and be replaced by regular police officers.

All three moves mark a transition to an era in which Iraq’s Shiite-dominated government seeks more control over its own military and sway over America’s.


The Perspective: All the critics can shut the fuck up. If this doesn't go to prove that the idea of the Surge put forward by John McCain and now CENTCOM Head General David Petraeus WORKED, nothing does.

This plan has allowed the Iraqi Security Force and Iraqi Police Officers to create security and peace in the majority of Iraq. Do you hear about our men and women in uniform getting killed now?

No!! Why is this? The Surge was a success and it will and has allowed us to bring our men and women home.

If you read the process of withdraw time line agreed upon by the United States and Iraq our soldiers will leave the cities in June of 2009. We will remove ALL combat troops from Iraq by the end of 2011.

Quit complaining, quit arguing. The Iraq war is almost over and everyone who says we did this for nothing doesn't look at the big picture and is a narrow minded fool.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

North Korea Preparing To Fire More Missiles

According to reports by both the United States, State Department and South Korean Intelligence Agencies North Korea is preparing to at least test fire missiles.

The comes after North Korea has begun rebuilding the cooling tower on their nuclear reactor. The real threat is that according to U.S. intelligence estimates North Korea has enough weapons grade plutonium to create about a half dozen nuclear weapons.

According to a U.S. government official I spoke to U.S. spy satellites have found at least 10 short to medium range SCUD missiles on a small inlet island.

While North Korea routinely tests short range missiles, its the current activities of North Korea with the nuclear reactor and its hatred for The United State and her allies. The missiles that it currently has prepared for launch could reach Seoul, South Korea and as far as Russia.
The Perspective: Wow. Big problem. As we know North Korea, no matter who is truly in charge is a radical Communist state. With support from China and some from Russia, you can completely eliminate the possibility that these missiles are for China or Russia.

They would never attack their allies. But South Korea is an entire different story. As most of us know(I hope we all know that North Korea hates the South) North Korea has always felt that the area the south controls belongs to them.

According to this history, it seems logical that these missiles are for one of two things.

1.)Its just a test, nothing more, nothing less.
2.)Its for a strike against South Korea.

If it is a strike against South Korea we need to watch for troop movements by North Korea. It has been know for years, that the North would amass 250,000 troops at the DMZ and attempt to capture Seoul within 48 hours.

The sad thing, according to military strategy only one thing can be used against the North Koreans to stop them from capturing Seoul is...

Nuclear Weapons.

Lets hope its just a test.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Man In London Shot 3 Times; Claims It Was Over His Pro-Obama T-Shirt

From FOX

Dube Egwuatu told the Mail he was purchasing a cell phone when a stranger started shouting racial slurs over his shirt featuring the presidential candidate’s face and the word “Believe.”

Egwuatu zipped up his jacket and headed for his car, but as he turned it on, the gunman opened the passenger side door and shot him three times, hitting him in the face, hand and shoulder.

Egwuatu managed to drive off while bleeding and call for help. A piece of metal was removed from his jaw from the attacker’s gas-powered ball-bearing pistol, the Mail reported.

“He was telling me that he was going to kill me,” Egwuatu told the Mail. “I couldn't believe it was happening — and just because I was wearing an Obama T-shirt. He was trying to make me walk somewhere quieter, saying: ‘I've got something for you,’ and ‘I'm going to kill you.’”

Local police are still looking for the gunman.


The Perspective: Bit much huh? You know that this Presidential election is getting out of hand when someone not living in America, gets shot because he wants Obama to win the election 'across the pond'.

I'll tell you right now, as you know I'm a McCain/Palin supporter and have already voted for them Absentee. But I would never go this far. America and England are both free nations where people are allowed to express their own personal beliefs and opinions. This blog is just an example.

By no means, should anyone ever be threatened due to their own beliefs, physical attributes, or ideas. Never, ever. We as a people who over time have became more and more forgiving for peoples flaws, should stop these acts of violence against innocent people and just let this election happen.

Only 27 days left.

McCain/Palin 08!!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Little Russia/Georgia Update...and a dead Taliban Leader

  • Russian troops have lowered the flag at a checkpoint in Georgian territory
  • Georgian officials say another post has been dismantled
  • Russia faces a Friday deadline to pull troops out of the so-called "security zones"
The Perspective: Well its about time. The Russian military since they have invaded Georgia, have been causing hell for the Georgian people. The 'Big Bad Kremlin' tried to take over Georgia and sway their right to join NATO.

Georgia who is a huge worldwide oil transporter is a key ally of the United States and The EU. Russia who's only competing pipeline in the region goes through Georgia. It seems logical that Russia would want to capture this pipeline and control ALL oil in the area.

Russia needs to be controlled, and watched closely. As I've talked about before....Putin is a serious problem.
DERA ISMAIL KHAN, Pakistan — Intelligence officials suspect a top militant leader may have been killed in an alleged U.S. missile strike because the Taliban are unusually angry about the attack.
The Perspective: This is why we need to send special forces operators into Pakistan. It is a known fact by our intelligence community that the key Al Qaeda and Taliban forces are in Pakistan. Fuck what the government in Pakistan says...infiltrate Pakistan and eliminate the terrorist threat.


Saturday, October 4, 2008

Mr. Simpson goes to Prison!!

News: 61 year old, former NFL Idol and Hall Of Famer O.J. Simpson has been found guilty of all 12 charges against him in the Robbery and Kidnapping case.

The oddest thing? It verdict was handed to the judge, exactly 13 years after he was found not guilty in the murder trial of his ex-wife. In this trial, one of the most famous trials in American history the now classic "If the glove doesn't fit, you must acquit." quote by O.J.'s lawyer seemed to change the juries mind when it came to if he had killed his now ex-wife or not.

Not so lucky this time.

When the verdict is handed out and the amount of time O.J. could spend in prison is decided on December 5th, it could end up that O.J. would spend life in prison. Until then...we just wait.
The Perspective: Haha. It took long enough. To me this just goes to further prove that crime does and people get whats coming to them.

I think that 13 years ago, O.J. did kill his now ex-wife. To many things point that he did do it.(that book, "If I Did It" I mean come on...) As mentioned above he had the BEST lawyer that money can be...but to bad he wasn't there to save him this time.

All I can say deserve it you murdering bastard. Enjoy prison I hope you rot.
News/Perspective: Israel Accuses North Korea For Selling Weapons On The Black Market

Israel today at the IAEA meeting in Vienna, Austria during the 145 nation talks accused North Korea of selling small conventional weapons and nuclear secrets to at least six(6) middle eastern nations.

To Israel it believes that this could cause huge setbacks in the six party talks on agreements to give North Korea aid in return that they stop creating and now rebuilding their nuclear reactors.
In Vienna Russia(wow) China, Japan and of course South Korea and the United States urged North Korea to hold true to its word and stop rebuilding the reactors.

While Israel never mentioned the names of the six or so nations that North Korea sold weapons and secrets to it seemed that they were talking about Iran and Syria.
The Perspective: This is news? I don't think so. Of course Kim Jong Ill would sell weapons to middle eastern nations. Why wouldn't he? Remember he hates America.

Nuclear secrets? Possible, but I'd say that, that might be a bit much on the side of Israel. Although, they do have the best intelligence organization in the world.(sorry boys and girls its not the CIA or NSA)

And in closing..who are those 6 or so nations?


Friday, October 3, 2008

U.S Arms Deals and Why Reporters Go To College...

The Bush administration has announced plans to sell billions of dollars in arms to Taiwan, a decision certain to anger Taiwan's rival China.

The package includes Apache helicopters and Patriot III anti-missile missiles.

The announcement came Friday in a notification to Congress.

Beijing claims Taiwan as its own territory and has threatened to invade should the self-governing island ever formalize its de facto independence.

Taiwan relies on U.S. weapons to keep pace with China's massive arms buildup across the Taiwan Strait. U.S. arms sales to Taiwan are a crucial matter because any dispute between China and Taiwan could ensnare the United States.

Washington is Taiwan's most important ally and largest arms supplier.


The Perspective: Good move. While this isn't the first time that Washington has sold weapons to Taiwan and more than likely it won't be the last, this is the most important sale. Why? Simple.

The Patriot Missile System is the same system that we use to operate our Ballistic Missile Defense Shield. If adapted correctly(it likely will be) this will allow Taiwan to be safe from any Missile threat that China sends its way. See? Bush isn't all bad. ha ha.
This Is Why Reporters Go To College (From FOX

Usually when stocks fall because of "rumors," the source is unclear, some kind of inter-trader chatter that causes enough heads to turn to cause shares in a name to bounce around. At least in this case, there's a paper trail.

Shares of Apple Inc., which opened marginally higher Friday, briefly dipped on a CNN iReport that Apple CEO Steve Jobs had suffered a heart attack and had been rushed to a hospital.

It's hard to overstate the lack of credibility this report has, but that doesn't stop short-term trading types.

The story was posted by a user named "johntw," and may have had an impact on the shares, which dropped sharply, to $94.65, before recovering.

An Apple spokeswoman said this report was untrue.

Were this to have appeared on a random stock messaging board somewhere, it would likely have had little impact, but CNN has put its weight behind this iReport endeavor, saying on its website that "we've launched an independent world where you, the community, tell the stories we're not used to seeing. And the most compelling, important, and urgent ones may get seen on CNN."

They do say, however, that "the views and content on this site are solely those of the contributors. CNN makes no guarantees about the content or the coverage on!"


The Perspective: The Johntw that posted this IReport on can go fuck himself!! Being a Apple Stock Shareholder when I heard this happened I fucking flipped. I instantly called Apple Inc. out in California and wanted to know if what I had heard was true.

It wasn't, Thank God. If this had happened I'd be fucked. But I'm no the story...

CNN needs to check this IReport fuckers better. There is a reason why people go to College to do this job. And one of the most important things in journalism is TRUTH. If you fuck up, your fired.

FUCK IReport and Johntw FUCK YOU.

Apple could shut down the iTunes Store, the world's biggest online music store, if a ruling expected Thursday forces the company to pay more to music makers for each downloaded track. (From FOX

The Copyright Royalty Board (CRB) in Washington, D.C., will decide whether to grant the request of American music publishers to increase "mechanical" royalty rates on songs bought from online music stores such as iTunes.

The National Music Publishers' Association, which represents the interests of music makers and songwriters in the U.S., wants rates to be increased 9 cents to 15 cents, which represents a 66 percent rise.

Apple has vehemently opposed the move. In a statement to the ruling body in 2006, the company threatened to shut down iTunes rather than raise the price of songs in order to afford the higher royalty rates.

"If [iTunes] was forced to absorb any increase in the ... royalty rate, the result would be to significantly increase the likelihood of the store operating at a financial loss — which is no alternative at all," iTunes vice president Eddy Cue said.


The Perspective: Can it get any worse for me? First my wife has to go to LA this week and I get zero rest and worry myself sick about her. Second my sister comes to see me and I find out that shes addicted to Cocaine!!(Great right? ha ha)

Third we've got the fake Steve Jobs heart attack story on CNN, and now this. I guess Apple is back to their old ways. Close iTunes!! What the fuck!

This is getting out of control. Fucking stop filling your pockets with money and just let the people have what they want...greedy bastards.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

You've Got To Be Fucking Kidding Me!!


Imagine a sun-swept Texas afternoon in 2015. After the roar of a ceremonial flyover, a Texas Motor Speedway crowd of 200,000 rises to its feet in anticipation of NASCAR's signature moment.
Chevrolet may have a challenge in marketing its Chevrolet Volt -- an electric car -- to NASCAR fans.

Chevrolet may have a challenge in marketing its Chevrolet Volt -- an electric car -- to NASCAR fans.

The celeb du jour grabs the microphone and bellows, "Gentlemen, start your engines!"

As the fans join in a full-throated cheer, 43 of the world's best drivers reach down and press a button. What follows is unprecedented: pin-dropping silence, save for 43 small clicks.

This scenario isn't as unfathomable as it may seem. In fact, in a sport whose fans often wear their American pride on their sleeves along with the image of their favorite driver, it may offer a strongly pro-American vision of the future.

NASCAR, meet the Chevrolet Volt, which General Motors believes will become the first mass-produced plug-in electric car on American roads by late 2010. The latest symbol of GM's new mantra, "From gas-friendly to gas-free," the Volt was unveiled to the media last week at Texas Motor Speedway, in the heart of NASCAR country.

Electric cars, with their quiet engines, turning laps in silence every Sunday on the NASCAR circuit? It may be a tough sell.

"Fans would pack up their Budweiser and leave," said Mike Nichols, a Dallas resident and NASCAR fan.

Other racing enthusiasts were more welcoming.

"Just as long as it's fast as heck and it's good racing," said Jim Mero, a record-setting Corvette Driver and Chevy engineer, "everything will be OK."

At last week's media event, which was closed to the public, a silver Volt prototype sat mere feet from a fleet of GM's current models. Everything from Chevy's iconic ZR1 Corvette to its hydrogen fuel-cell version of the Equinox sport-utility vehicle was on display. The car that gave the media the biggest charge, however, was the Volt.

In a country saddled with spiking gas prices and increasing gas shortages, the Volt is seen by some as a potential savior. Engine-roaring, oil-dripping NASCAR, however, has historically resisted change. Only last year did NASCAR convert to unleaded fuel, and its cars still contain another relic of the past: a carburetor.

Chevrolet understands that marketing the Volt, which was announced in 2007, might be a balancing act between blue- and red-state America.

"We are attracting the 'green' crowd and the 'tech' crowd," explained Cristi Landy, the Volt's product marketing manager. "But this car has mass appeal to a broader audience."

GM hopes that NASCAR fans, who tend to be staunchly patriotic, will appreciate that electric cars will probably reduce America's reliance on foreign oil -- especially on oil from nations that might be hostile toward the United States.

"Yes, we get it, and with fervor," said John Frost, a 60-year old NASCAR fan from Davidsonville, Maryland. "We are for the elimination of U.S. dependency on foreign oil. We're no dummies."

Still, don't look for Chevrolet to necessarily trot out the American flag in the marketing plan.

"There is a fear that if we position this as a 'pro-American' car, it will upset some of the environmentally conscious crowd," explained Pete Lewis, who works in program operations at GM. "And we want it to be embraced by everyone."

The Volt is expected to travel 40 miles on a single charge from a wall socket before an engine kicks in to generate electrical power. GM also promises a top speed of about 100 mph and a zero-to-60 time of roughly 9 seconds, specs that won't impress NASCAR fans used to seeing race cars roaring past at 200 mph.

"NASCAR is a total body experience," Frost said. "The sound of 750 horsepower times 43 cars -- lots of gas guzzling, internal combustion, unbridled horsepower. There's nothing like it. No matter what they do, they can never replace the thunder that is NASCAR."

In the end, selling a gearless Volt to NASCAR gearheads may come down to one basic question: Is the car fun?

"If you sit behind the wheel," said GM fuel-cell expert Mark Vann, "it's pretty cool."

"We feel that this is a superior solution versus what other competitors have done with hybrids. This car [offers] an electric performance," added Landy, conveying both the literal and metaphorical meanings of the word. "It will give you great off-the-line torque and a lot of low-end torque. It really. . .will be exciting to drive."


The Perspective:

Wow, just so fucking stupid and unlikely why in the hell would anyone sit down and waste their time and a companies money to write this shit.

Being a NASCAR fan I enjoy the roar of the 850 Horsepower engines and speeds near and above 200 mph. If you look at the stats on these electric cars you'll see that these speeds will NEVER be reached. It it simply impossible.

Its a waste. If NASCAR would change to any fuel it'd be hydrogen. Why? Because it CAN achieve these levels of speed and power. Not to mention it makes fucking noise!!

Could you imagine how boring a race at Talladega would be without the roar, smell and taste of fuel and rubber in the air? FUCK NO.

FUCK this idea...

If it happens I'm officially done with NASCAR.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Iranian Weapons of Mass Destruction...stolen?

As Somali pirates brazenly maintain their standoff with American warships off the coast of Africa, the cargo aboard one Iranian ship they commandeered is raising concerns that it may contain materials that can be used for chemical or biological weapons.
The Perspective:

Crazy right? Not so much. If you've paid attention to the small print during the international news channels like CNN and FOX news you'd know that ships were being hijacked by pirates on the African coast.

First it was a Russian military cargo ship carrying conventional weapons that were headed to Syria. These weapons ranged from APC's to AK-47s and AK-101s. But no type of chemical or biological weapons.

They ransacked the ship and searched the containers. But in the days following the hijacking, a number of them fell ill and died, suffering skin burns and hair loss, according to reports.

The pirates were sickened because of their contact with the seized cargo, according to Hassan Osman, the Somali minister of Minerals and Oil, who met with the pirates to facilitate negotiations.

"That ship is unusual," Osman told the Long War Journal, an online news source that covers the War on Terror. "It is not carrying a normal shipment."

The pirates reportedly were in talks to sell the ship back to Iran, but the deal fell through when the pirates were poisoned by the cargo, according to Andrew Mwangura, director of the Kenya-based East African Seafarers' Assistance Program.

"Yes, some of them have died," he told the Long War Journal. "Our sources say [the ship] contains chemicals, dangerous chemicals.

So what in the fuck have the Iranian people got on this damn ship? Well if you know anything about chemicals it could be any number of things. But remember this is Iran...

Keep an eye out. Read some news...check on Iran. You never know what the hell they might do.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Economic Hell In America

The Perspective: Short Today

And it continues. I really had hoped that Congress would prove me wrong. But it seems that they still...can't fucking work together. Come on people. THIS IS IMPORTANT SHIT!! The DOW is down over 600 points today!!

This isn't some fucking unimportant motion. This is the possible future of the American Economy. Being a person with multiple stock options, and multiple interests and investments in the stock market, I'm hurting from this.

I sold some stock today. I needed the money. Times are tough. And unless this bill gets passed, times won't get any better. Lets all again...just pray Congress pulls their head out of their asses and WORKS TOGETHER to get this damn bill passed.

Folks...we're in for one hell of a show.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

The 700 Billion Dollar Bill Released

  • The $700 billion would be disbursed in stages, with $250 billion made available immediately for the Treasury's use.
  • Curbs will be placed on the compensation of executives at companies that sell mortgage assets to Treasury. Among them, companies that participate will not be allowed to offer golden parachutes to executives; they will not be able to deduct the salary they pay to executives above $500,000.
  • An oversight board will be created. The board will include the Federal Reserve chairman, the Securities and Exchange Commission chairman, the Federal Home Finance Agency director and the Housing and Urban Development secretary.
  • Allow for the Treasury to receive the option to take ownership stakes in participating companies under certain circumstances.
  • Treasury may establish an insurance program - with risk-based premiums paid by the industry - to guarantee companies' troubled assets, including mortgage-backed securities, purchased before March 18, 2008.
The Perspective:

Wow, simply wow. I'll say right now that I'm very, very impressed with the way Congress worked together to get this bill right. But is it right?

Not entirely. The nation is still using OUR taxpayer dollars to buyout, these greedy fucking companies. But at least the money (700 Billion) will be released in stages, making sure that this bailout plan is working.

We've got the 'golden parachutes' taken care of.(big issues for me) The executives will still be paid, but no fucking way will they be paid 22 million dollars.(as was wanted to being with)

So my fellow Americans. Now all we do is wait till tomorrow, and lets see if they pass this big fucker. If they do. Great, but only if it works. If it doesn't work.(I hope it does...we all hope it does) We are royally fucked. Prepare yourselves...for the worst.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Is this how to pick a president to vote for? NO!

From and Larry King Live Interview with Chris Rock, supporter of Barack Obama.

Republican presidential candidate John McCain is just holding on like a boxer before he gets knocked out, comedian Chris Rock says.
Comedian Chris Rock told Larry King he's proud of Barack Obama's character.

Comedian Chris Rock told Larry King he's proud of Barack Obama's character.

Rock, an avid supporter of Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama, spoke with CNN's Larry King on Thursday. He said Obama is more grounded with your average American -- not somebody like McCain with "12 houses."

"The other guy [McCain] can lose five houses," Rock said.

"I'll go with the guy with one house. The guy with one house is scared about losing his house." Video Watch Chris Rock describe a beaten up McCain »

King began the interview by asking Rock about Thursday's economic bailout talks when Obama and McCain went to the White House for discussions with the nation's top leaders.

KING: Obama and McCain at opposite ends of the table. What do you make of it?

ROCK: What do I make of it? If this was a boxing match, McCain would be holding.

KING: Holding on?

ROCK: Yes. It's like he got hit really hard in the stomach like, 'OK. I can't let him go. He's going to knock me out.' So that's what appears to be going on right now. Just a hold.

KING: Has the financial crisis affected you?

ROCK: Larry, I drove a cab over here tonight. When it's over, I'm going to try to pick up some more fares. I'm losing everything, Larry.

KING: Really downtrodden?

ROCK: Yes, it's real bad.

KING: Have HBO paid you already?

ROCK: They have paid me, but the money is worthless now. Haven't you heard? Your money's worth nothing.

KING: You must be ... proud that at this stage in our history a black man is running for president on a major ticket.

ROCK: Um, you know what? I'm proud Barack Obama's running for president. You know? If it was Flavor Flav, would I be proud? No. I don't support Barack Obama because he's black.

KING: I said just as a proud feeling. That's normal.

ROCK: There's a proud feeling because of the character of the man. You know, I was -- I supported John Kerry and, you know -- and what's my man? Al Gore.

KING: Al Gore.

ROCK: But this guy seems to be a little bit more. He seems to have watched other peoples' mistakes and, you know, seems to have a little bit more going on.

KING: From a comedic stand point, who is funnier, McCain or Obama? Seriously. Is Obama not -- it's hard to be funny about Obama?

ROCK: No, no. It's weird. People ask me that all the time. ... McCain jokes are just easy jokes, like I don't want a president with a bucket list. That's like a McCain joke. Those jokes are easy. It's like you basically, you know, you know, take the dust off your Reagan jokes and tell them again. You know?

But Obama, oh, this is a whole new set of jokes. I got to find a whole new move to the basket here. So I kind of hope he wins.

KING: Didn't you introduce Obama at a rally?

ROCK: I introduced Obama at the Apollo Theater not too long ago. I think Obama would be great. I mean, just look the big thing right now is the economy. And people are going broke. And here: The choice isn't Republican or Democrat. The choice is you got a guy that's worth $150 million with 12 houses against a guy who's worth a million dollars with one house.

KING: Well --

ROCK: The guy with one house really cares about losing a house, because he is homeless. The other guy can lose five houses and still got a bunch of houses. Does this make any sense? Am I the only one that sees this?

KING: It's unique way of ...

ROCK: I'm just saying, John McCain could lose half his houses.

KING: You got a point.

ROCK: And sleep well.

KING: You and Bill Clinton were on Letterman on Tuesday. You had some problems with the tone of his endorsement of Barack Obama. ... Do you think Bill is hesitant about Barack Obama?

ROCK: You know what? You know, he did a great speech in Denver. And Hillary's been on the campaign trail. Just at that moment, if you watched what happened on David Letterman, it appeared he was holding back. And when you tell a joke and everybody laughs, it is not because they disagree with what you're saying. So --

KING: They get it?

ROCK: Yes, they get it. The whole audience was in on it. But, you know, hey, the guy's in a weird position there. His wife ran for the thing and she didn't win.

KING: The next night, on "The Daily Show," Jon Stewart asked Clinton about the Letterman appearance and Clinton suggested that Obama supporters who questioned commitment are missing the point.

ROCK: It was great. It was great. And you're right, [Obama] does need to get some of the votes that went to Hillary and all that. I don't understand any Democrat that voted for Hillary that doesn't support Obama. Because their views are pretty similar. You know what I mean? ...

I understand people supporting Mr. McCain. But a Democrat that's going to just be mad is -- there's something kind of really messed up about that.

KING: Have you always done political humor?

ROCK: You know --

KING: When you started, did you do politics?

ROCK: I'm interested in the world. Jon Stewart does political humor. Bill Maher does political humor. I talk about stuff the way guys would talk about it at the barber shop. I don't belong on any panel on this show. You know what I mean? I don't deserve to be near Roland Martin and Anderson Cooper and all these guys. I try to talk about politics in a way a guy that works at UPS would understand.

KING: You did a lot of Brooklyn stuff.

ROCK: I do all sorts of stuff, Larry. All sorts of stuff. You know, I hope Obama wins just because, you know, the country needs it. The country needs a change. We kind of seen what this whole McCain thing is. And I'll go with the guy with one house. The guy with one house is scared about losing his house.

KING: I never thought of it that way.

ROCK: It is that simple.
The Perspective:

You've got to be fucking kiddin' me. I had planned on blogging about an international issue(north korea) but this was just to damn good to pass up.

Now we all know who Chris Rock is. One of the best comedians to ever live. Plain and simple. So why is this interview so outrageous? Go ahead and read it. You'll understand.

The comments he makes about why he is choosing Obama is crazy. He has one house! Big fucking deal. When you consider that his home costs 2 million dollars!! You tell me how many average Americans own 2 million dollar homes!! I'm an average American. I fucking wish my house was worth 2 millions dollars.

It wrong, wrong, and wrong. You don't choose a person to vote for, for reasons that Mr. Rock talked about. Its all about the issues. Issues, issues. Not homes, and how many homes that they own. Was he being funny sure...but still. At least act like you care. You are on Larry King Live...